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Those who have undergone a Fontan repair are at particularly high risk for complications. In brief, this procedure involves diverting blood via a surgical anastomosis from the vena cava to the pulmonary artery without passing through the right ventricle. Thus, patients with a Fontan palliation are very preload dependent (Lindley, 2015). Of outcomes, one review of 14 women conceiving after a Fontan repair found that six spontaneously aborted all pregnancies, and eight others carried 14 pregnancies to viability (Cauldwell, 2016). Ten newborns delivered preterm, and eight neonates were small for gestational age. Similar complications attend a maternal systemic right ventricle, that is, one in which the right ventricle rather than the left pumps blood to the systemic circulation (Khan, 2015). Eisenmenger Syndrome this describes secondary pulmonary hypertension that arises from any cardiac lesion. The syndrome develops when pulmonary vascular resistance exceeds systemic resistance and leads to concomitant right-to-left shunting. The most common underlying defects are atrial or ventricular septal defects and persistent ductus arteriosus. Patients are asymptomatic for years, but eventually pulmonary hypertension becomes severe enough to cause this shunting (Greutmann, 2015). Specifically, medial hypertrophy, intimal cellular proliferations, and fibrosis lead to narrowing or closure of the vessel lumen. These vascular changes create pulmonary hypertension and a resultant reversal of the intracardiac shunt (B). With sustained pulmonary hypertension, extensive atherosclerosis and calcification often develop in the large pulmonary arteries. Pregnant women with Eisenmenger syndrome tolerate hypotension poorly, and death usually is caused by right ventricular failure with cardiogenic shock. In a review of 44 cases through 1978, maternal and perinatal mortality rates approximated 50 percent (Gleicher, 1979). In a later review of 73 pregnancies, Weiss and associates (1998) cited a 36-percent maternal death rate. Three of 26 deaths were antepartum, and the remainder of women died intrapartum or within a month of delivery. In a subsequent study of 13 gravidas, one mother died 17 days after delivery, and there were five perinatal deaths (Wang, 2011). Given such poor outcomes for both mother and fetus, Eisenmenger syndrome is considered to be an absolute contraindication to pregnancy (Brickner, 2014; Lindley, 2015; Meng, 2017; Warnes, 2015). Management of those who do become pregnant has recently been detailed by Broberg (2016) and is discussed in the next section. Pulmonary vascular resistance in late pregnancy approximates 80 dyne/sec/cm-5, which is 34percent less than the nonpregnant value of 120 dyne/sec/cm-5 (Clark, 1989). Pulmonary hypertension is defined in nonpregnant individuals as a resting mean pulmonary pressure >25 mm Hg. There are important prognostic and therapeutic distinctions between group 1 pulmonary arterial hypertension and the other groups. It includes idiopathic or primary pulmonary arterial hypertension as well as those cases secondary to a known cause such as connective tissue disease. For example, approximately one third of women with scleroderma and 10 percent with systemic lupus erythematosus have pulmonary hypertension (Rich, 2005). Comprehensive Clinical Classification of Pulmonary Hypertension In pregnant women, group 2 disorders are the most common. Resurgences in measles have been linked to clusters of vaccine-eligible but unvaccinated individuals (Fiebelkorn erectile dysfunction foods that help generic 100 mg sildenafil otc, 2010; Phadke doctor for erectile dysfunction in kolkata buy generic sildenafil from india, 2016) erectile dysfunction causes natural treatment discount 25mg sildenafil mastercard. The characteristic erythematous maculopapular rash develops on the face and neck and then spreads to the back, trunk, and extremities. Koplik spots are small white lesions with surrounding erythema found within the oral cavity. Immediate or delayed neurological sequelae of measles may manifest in several forms, making diagnosis difficult (Buchanan, 2012; Chiu, 2016). Pregnant women without evidence of measles immunity should be administered passive immunoprophylaxis with immune globulin, 400 mg/kg intravenously (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2017d). Active vaccination is not performed during pregnancy, however, susceptible women can be vaccinated routinely postpartum, and breastfeeding is not contraindicated (Ohji, 2009). However, rates of spontaneous abortion, preterm delivery, and low-birthweight neonates are increased with maternal measles (Rasmussen, 2015). If a woman develops measles shortly before birth, risk of serious infection developing in the neonate is considerable, especially in a preterm neonate. Rubella infection in the first trimester, however, poses significant risk for abortion and severe congenital malformations. Transmission occurs via nasopharyngeal secretions, and the transmission rate is 80 percent to susceptible individuals. Maternal rubella is usually a mild febrile illness with a generalized maculopapular rash beginning on the face and spreading to the trunk and extremities. Other symptoms may include arthralgias or arthritis, head and neck lymphadenopathy, and conjunctivitis. Viremia usually precedes clinical signs by about a week, and adults are infectious during viremia and through 7 days after the rash appears. Up to half of maternal infections are subclinical despite viremia that may cause devastating fetal infection (McLean, 2013). Diagnosis Rubella virus may be isolated from the urine, blood, nasopharynx, and cerebrospinal fluid for up to 2 weeks after rash onset. In one study, 6 percent of nonimmune women seroconverted to rubella virus during pregnancy (Hutton, 2014). Specific IgM antibody can be detected using enzyme-linked immunoassay for 4 to 5 days after onset of clinical disease, but antibody can persist for up to 6 weeks after appearance of the rash. Importantly, rubella virus reinfection can give rise to transient low levels of IgM. With this, fetal infection can rarely occur, but no adverse fetal effects have been described. This rapid antibody response may complicate serodiagnosis unless samples are initially collected within a few days after the onset of the rash. If, for example, the first specimen was obtained 10 days after the rash, detection of IgG antibodies would fail to differentiate between very recent disease and preexisting immunity to rubella. Fetal Effects the rubella virus is one of the most complete teratogens, and effects of fetal infection are worst during organogenesis (Adams Waldorf, 2013). Pregnant women with rubella and a rash during the first 12 weeks of gestation have an affected fetus with congenital infection in up to 90 percent of cases (Miller, 1982). Features of congenital rubella syndrome amenable to prenatal diagnosis are cardiac septal defects, pulmonary stenosis, microcephaly, cataracts, microphthalmia, and hepatosplenomegaly (Yazigi, 2017). Other abnormalities include sensorineural deafness, intellectual disability, neonatal purpura, and radiolucent bone disease. Neonates born with congenital rubella may shed the virus for many months and thus be a threat to other infants and to susceptible adults who contact them. Reports of delayed morbidities associated with congenital rubella syndrome may include a rare, progressive panencephalitis, insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and thyroid disorders (Sever, 1985; Webster, 1998). Postexposure passive immunization with polyclonal immunoglobulin may be of benefit if given within 5 days of exposure (Young, 2015). With diffuse cutaneous systemic sclerosis erectile dysfunction depression order sildenafil us, skin thickening progresses rapidly erectile dysfunction water pump discount 25mg sildenafil, and skin fibrosis is followed by gastrointestinal tract fibrosis keppra impotence order generic sildenafil from india, especially the distal esophagus (Varga, 2015). Pulmonary interstitial fibrosis along with vascular changes may cause pulmonary hypertension, which develops in 15 percent of patients. Antinuclear antibodies are found in 95 percent of patients, and immunoincompetence often develops. Raynaud phenomenon, which includes cold-induced episodic digital ischemia, is seen in 95 percent of patients, and there may also be swelling of the distal extremities and face. Half of patients have symptoms from esophageal involvement, especially fullness and epigastric burning pain. The 10-year cumulative survival rate is 70 percent in those with pulmonary fibrosis, and pulmonary arterial hypertension is the main cause of death (Joven, 2010; Varga, 2015). Overlap syndrome refers to systemic sclerosis with features of other connective tissue disorders. The disorder is also termed undifferentiated connective tissue disease (Spinillo, 2008). Although systemic sclerosis is incurable, treatment directed at end-organ involvement can sometimes relieve symptoms and improve function. Scleroderma renal crisis develops in up to a fourth of these patients and is characterized by obliterative vasculopathy of the renal cortical arteries. Interstitial restrictive lung disease is common and frequently becomes life threatening. Pregnancy and Systemic Sclerosis the prevalence of scleroderma in pregnancy approximates 1 in 22,000 pregnancies (Chakravarty, 2008). These women usually have stable disease during gestation if their baseline function is good. As perhaps expected, dysphagia and reflux esophagitis are aggravated by pregnancy (Steen, 1999). Dysphagia results from loss of esophageal motility due to neuromuscular dysfunction. A decrease in amplitude or disappearance of peristaltic waves in the lower two thirds of the esophagus is seen using manometry. Women with renal insufficiency and malignant hypertension have a higher incidence of superimposed preeclampsia. With rapidly worsening renal or cardiac disease, pregnancy termination should be considered. Vaginal delivery may be anticipated, unless the soft tissue thickening wrought by scleroderma produces dystocia requiring cesarean delivery. Tracheal intubation for general anesthesia has special concerns because of limited ability of these women to open their mouths widely (Sobanski, 2016). Because of esophageal dysfunction, aspiration is also more likely, and epidural analgesia is preferable. Warming the delivery room and intravenous fluids, extra blankets, and socks and gloves are recommended to improve impaired circulation from Raynaud phenomenon. If corticosteroids were used frequently, stress doses of hydrocortisone are recommended (Sobanski, 2016). In a review of 214 gravidas with systemic sclerosis, 45 percent had diffuse disease. Major complications included renal crisis in three and greater rates of preterm birth (Steen, 1989, 1999). Chung and coworkers (2006) also reported elevated rates of preterm delivery, fetal-growth restriction, and perinatal mortality. A multicenter study of 109 pregnancies from 25 centers reported higher rates of preterm delivery, fetal-growth restriction, and very-low-birthweight newborns (Taraborelli, 2012). These are likely related to placental abnormalities that include decidual vasculopathy, acute atherosis, and infarcts (Sobanski, 2016). For women who do not choose pregnancy, several reversible contraceptive methods are acceptable. However, hormonal agents, especially combination oral contraceptives, probably should not be used, especially in women with pulmonary, cardiac, or renal involvement. Due to the often unrelenting progression of systemic sclerosis, permanent sterilization is also considered. The most common cause of ovarian hemorrhage follows rupture of a corpus luteum cyst impotence existing at the time of the marriage cheap sildenafil 50mg mastercard. If the diagnosis is certain and symptoms abate erectile dysfunction doctor uk cheap 75mg sildenafil overnight delivery, then observation and surveillance is usually sufficient erectile dysfunction reasons sildenafil 75mg without a prescription. Suitable regimens include: (1) micronized progesterone (Prometrium) 200 or 300 mg orally once daily; (2) 8-percent progesterone vaginal gel (Crinone), one premeasured applicator vaginally daily plus micronized progesterone 100 or 200 mg orally once daily; or (3) intramuscular 17-hydroxyprogesterone caproate, 150 mg. Asymptomatic Adnexal Mass During Pregnancy Because most of these are incidental findings, management considerations include whether resection is necessary and its timing. A cystic benign-appearing mass that is <5 cm often requires no additional antepartum surveillance. Early in pregnancy, this is likely a corpus luteum cyst, which typically resolves by the early second trimester. For cysts 10 cm, because of the substantial risk of malignancy, torsion, or labor obstruction, surgical removal is reasonable. If they have a simple cystic appearance, these cysts can be managed expectantly with sonographic surveillance (Schmeler, 2005; Zanetta, 2003). Resection is done if cysts grow, begin to display malignant qualities, or become symptomatic. Those with classic findings of endometrioma or mature cystic teratoma may be resected postpartum or during cesarean for obstetrical indications. On the other hand, if sonographic characteristics suggest cancer-thick septa, nodules, papillary excrescences, or solid components-immediate resection is indicated (Caspi, 2000). In one review of 563 masses, approximately half were simple, and the other half complex (Webb, 2015). Among simple masses, 1 percent were malignant, and of complex masses, 9 percent were cancerous. Approximately 1 in 1000 pregnant women undergoes surgical exploration for an adnexal mass (Boulay, 1998). Importantly, in any instance in which cancer is strongly suspected, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2017b) recommends consultation with a gynecologic oncologist. One group of ovarian masses results directly from the stimulating effects of various pregnancy hormones on ovarian stroma. These include pregnancy luteoma, hyperreactio luteinalis, and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. Of these, pregnancy luteoma is a rare, benign ovarian neoplasm that arises from luteinized stromal cells and classically causes elevated testosterone levels (Hakim, 2016; Irving, 2011). Up to 25 percent of affected women will be virilized, and of these affected women, nearly half of their female fetuses will have some degree of virilization. They appear as solid tumors, may be multiple or bilateral, and may be complex because of internal hemorrhage (Choi, 2000). Total testosterone levels are increased, but notably, levels in normal pregnancy can be substantially elevated (Appendix, p. Differential diagnoses include granulosa cell tumors, thecomas, Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors, Leydig cell tumors, stromal hyperthecosis, and hyperreactio luteinalis. Generally, luteomas do not require surgical intervention unless there is torsion, rupture, or hemorrhage (Masarie, 2010). These tumors spontaneously regress during the first few months postpartum, and androgen levels drop precipitously during the first 2 weeks following delivery (Wang, 2005). In this condition, one or both ovaries develop multiple, large theca-lutein cysts, typically after the first trimester. For this reason, they are more common with gestational trophoblastic disease, twins, fetal hydrops, and other conditions with increased placental mass. Although 54 percent of the retained fetuses survived erectile dysfunction after prostate surgery buy cheap sildenafil 100 mg online, only 37 percent of survivors did so without major morbidity erectile dysfunction pills amazon buy sildenafil overnight. Livingston and coworkers (2004) described 14 pregnancies in which an active attempt was made to delay delivery of 19 fetuses after delivery of the first neonate erectile dysfunction caused by nicotine generic 75 mg sildenafil with mastercard. Only one fetus survived without major sequelae, and one mother developed sepsis syndrome with shock. Arabin and van Eyck (2009) reported better outcomes in a few of the 93 twin and 34 triplet pregnancies that qualified for delayed delivery in their center during a 17-year period. If asynchronous birth is attempted, there must be careful evaluation for infection, abruption, and congenital anomalies. The mother must be thoroughly counseled, particularly regarding the potential for serious, life-threatening infection. The range of gestational age in which the benefits outweigh the risks for delayed delivery is likely narrow. In addition to preterm birth, rates of uterine contractile dysfunction, abnormal fetal presentation, umbilical cord prolapse, placenta previa, placental abruption, emergent operative delivery, and postpartum hemorrhage from uterine atony are higher. All of these must be anticipated, and thus certain precautions and special arrangements are prudent. An appropriately trained obstetrical attendant should remain with the mother throughout labor. If membranes are ruptured and the cervix dilated, the presenting fetus is monitored internally. An intravenous infusion system capable of delivering fluid rapidly is established. In the absence of hemorrhage, lactated Ringer or an aqueous dextrose solution is infused at a rate of 60 to 125 mL/hr. An obstetrician skilled in intrauterine identification of fetal parts and in intrauterine manipulation of a fetus should be present. A sonography machine is readily available to evaluate the presentation and position of the fetuses during labor and to image the remaining fetus(es) after delivery of the first. An anesthesia team is immediately available in the event that emergent cesarean delivery is necessary or that intrauterine manipulation is required for vaginal delivery. For each fetus, at least one attendant who is skilled in resuscitation and care of newborns and who has been appropriately informed of the case should be immediately available. The delivery area should provide adequate space for the nursing, obstetrical, anesthesia, and pediatric team members to work effectively. Equipment must be on site to provide emergent anesthesia, operative intervention, and maternal and neonatal resuscitation. Timing of Delivery Several factors affect this timing and include gestational age, fetal growth, lung maturity, and presence of maternal complications. As measured by determination of the lecithin-sphingomyelin ratio, pulmonary maturation is usually synchronous in twins (Leveno, 1984). In some cases, however, pulmonary function may be markedly different, and the smallest, most stressed twin fetus is typically more mature. At the other end of the spectrum, Bennett and Dunn (1969) suggested that a twin pregnancy of 40 weeks or more should be considered postterm. Twin stillborn neonates delivered at 40 weeks or beyond commonly had features similar to those of postmature singletons (Chap. From an analysis of almost 300,000 twin births, at and beyond 39 weeks, the risk of subsequent stillbirth was greater than the risk of neonatal mortality (Kahn, 2003). From their guidelines, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2016) recommends delivery at 38 weeks for uncomplicated dichorionic twin pregnancies. Women with uncomplicated monochorionic diamnionic twin pregnancies can undergo delivery between 34 and 376/7 weeks. And, for women with monoamnionic twin pregnancies, delivery is recommended at 32 to 34 weeks. At Parkland Hospital, we generally follow these recommendations but do not routinely deliver monochorionic diamnionic twin pregnancies before 37 weeks unless another obstetrical indication develops. Purchase sildenafil 25mg on line. Erectile Dysfunction Causes Symptoms And Treatment. |