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By: X. Gamal, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.

Professor, Alabama College of Osteopathic Medicine

Vulvovaginal hematomas are managed according to their size hiv infection condom purchase generic emorivir pills, location hiv infection kidney disease order emorivir 200mg amex, duration since delivery hiv aids infection stages discount emorivir 200 mg online, and expansion. If bleeding ceases, then small- to moderate-sized hematomas may be treated expectantly until absorbed. But, if pain is severe or if the hematoma continues to enlarge, surgical exploration is preferable. Blood loss with large puerperal hematomas is nearly always considerably more than the clinical estimate. Hypovolemia is common, and transfusions are frequently required when surgical repair is necessary. For repair, an incision is made at the point of maximal distention, blood and clots are evacuated, and bleeding points ligated. Nonetheless, the evacuated hematoma cavity is surgically closed, and the vagina is packed for 12 to 24 hours. Although some can be evacuated by vulvar or vaginal incisions, laparotomy or interventional embolization, described next, is a consideration if bleeding continues. Angiographic embolization has become popular for management of some puerperal hematomas. Embolization can be used primarily, or more likely secondarily, if surgical attempts at hemostasis have failed or if the hematoma is difficult to access surgically (Distefano, 2013; Lee, 2012; Poujade, 2012). Finally, ultrasound-guided drainage of a recurrent supralevator hematoma has been reported (Mukhopadhyay, 2015). It may be primary, defined as occurring in a previously intact or unscarred uterus, or may be secondary and associated with a preexisting incision, injury, or anomaly of the myometrium. Some of the etiologies associated with uterine rupture are presented in Table 41-3. Importantly, the contribution of each of these underlying causes has changed remarkably during the past 50 years. Specifically, before 1960, when the cesarean delivery rate was much lower and women of great parity were numerous, primary uterine rupture predominated. As the incidence of cesarean delivery rose and especially as a subsequent trial of labor in these women became prevalent through the 1990s, uterine rupture through the cesarean hysterotomy scar became the preeminent cause (Gibbins, 2015; Mone, 2016). However, concurrent with the diminished enthusiasm for a trial of labor in women with a prior cesarean delivery, incidence trends for the two types of rupture have again changed. In a study of 3942 cases of uterine rupture in more than 15 million women, approximately half were in women with a prior cesarean delivery (Yao, 2017). In 40 cases of rupture at Parkland Hospital from 2009 to 2016, 15 events (37 percent) were primary, and 25 (63 percent) were secondary (Happe, 2017). Some Causes of Uterine Rupture Additional risks for rupture include other previous operations or manipulations that traumatize the myometrium. Examples are uterine curettage or perforation, endometrial ablation, myomectomy, or operative hysteroscopy (Kieser, 2002; Pelosi, 1997). In a study by Porreco and colleagues (2009), seven of 21 women without a prior cesarean delivery had undergone prior uterine surgery. In developed countries, the incidence of rupture is 1 in 4800 deliveries (Getahun, 2012). During a 40-year period in Norway, the uterine rupture rate rose significantly to about 1 in 1560 deliveries (Al-Zirqi, 2016). The frequency of primary rupture, however, approximates 1 in 10,000 to 15,000 births (Porreco, 2009). Another is that excessive or inappropriate uterine stimulation with oxytocin- previously a frequent cause-has mostly disappeared. Maggio and associates (2014) found no association between the number of Montevideo units and secondary uterine rupture. In addition, in a recent analysis of three trials comparing high- versus low-dose oxytocin regimens, the rate of uterine rupture did not differ between groups (Budden, 2014). The rate of rupture is elevated with sequential induction of labor with prostaglandins and oxytocin (Al-Zirqi, 2017). At Parkland Hospital, we too have encountered primary uterine rupture in a disparate number of women in whom labor was induced with prostaglandin E1. Although the distended pregnant uterus is surprisingly resistant, pregnant women sustaining such trauma should be watched carefully for signs of a ruptured uterus (Chap.

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Am J Perinatol 6(3):353 hiv infection and pregnancy order cheapest emorivir and emorivir, 1989 Steyn W hiv infection life cycle generic emorivir 200 mg line, Pieper C: Favorable neonatal outcome after fetal entrapment and partially successful Zavanelli maneuver in a case of breech presentation antiviral quotes buy generic emorivir line. Br J Anaesth 104(5):613, 2010 Wery E, Le Roch A, Subtil D: Zavanelli maneuver performed in a breech presentation. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 120(2):193, 2013 Westgren M, Grundsell H, Ingemarsson I, et al: Hyperextension of the fetal head in breech presentation. In not a few cases, however, particularly in occipito-posterior presentations, its employment as a rotator is attended by most happy results. Whitridge Williams (1903) Operative deliveries are vaginal deliveries accomplished with the use of forceps or a vacuum device. Once either is applied to the fetal head, outward traction generates forces that augment maternal pushing to deliver the fetus vaginally. In addition, forceps may also be used for rotation, particularly from occiput transverse and posterior positions. According to the birth certificate data from the National Vital Statistics Report, forceps- or vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery was used for 3. For these deliveries, a vacuum is disproportionately selected, and the vacuum-to-forceps delivery ratio is nearly 5:1 (Merriam, 2017). Some fetal indications include nonreassuring fetal heart rate pattern and premature placental separation (Schuit, 2012). In the past, forceps delivery was believed to be somewhat protective of the fragile preterm infant head. However, outcomes for neonates who weigh 500 to 1500 g do not significantly differ if delivered spontaneously or by outlet forceps (Fairweather, 1981; Schwartz, 1983). Some maternal indications include heart disease, pulmonary compromise, intrapartum infection, and certain neurological conditions. However, a specific maximum length beyond which all women should be considered for operative vaginal delivery has not been identified (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2016). Additionally, forceps or vacuum delivery should not be used electively until the criteria for an outlet delivery have been met. In these circumstances, operative delivery is a simple and safe operation, although with some risk of maternal lower reproductive tract injury (Yancey, 1999). It emphasizes that the two most important discriminators of risk for both mother and neonate are station and rotation. High forceps, in which instruments are applied above 0 station, have no place in contemporary obstetrics. Operative Vaginal Delivery Prerequisites and Classification According to Station and Rotationa Once station and rotation are assessed, several prerequisites are met and are listed in Table 29-1. In unclear cases, sonography is useful to identify fetal orbits and nasal bridge to aid orientation (Malvasi, 2014). Regional analgesia or general anesthesia is preferable for low forceps or midpelvic procedures, although pudendal blockade may prove adequate for outlet forceps. The bladder is emptied to provide additional pelvic space and minimize bladder trauma. Urinary retention and bladder dysfunction are often short-term effects of forceps and vacuum deliveries (Mulder, 2012; Pifarotti, 2014). Notably, episiotomy and epidural analgesia, both common associates, are also identified risks for urinary retention.

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Lin and colleagues (2001) prospectively studied vibroacoustic stimulation in 113 women in labor with either moderate-to-severe variable or late fetal heart rate decelerations hiv infection rates worldwide buy emorivir 200mg visa. They concluded that this technique is an effective predictor of fetal acidosis in the setting of variable decelerations hcv hiv co infection rates cheap emorivir 200 mg amex. The predictability for fetal acidosis antiviral vitamins for hpv buy 200mg emorivir fast delivery, however, is limited in the setting of late decelerations. Other investigators have reported that vibroacoustic stimulation in second-stage labor did not predict neonatal outcome or enhance labor management (Anyaegbunam, 1994). Skupski and coworkers (2002) performed a metaanalysis of reports on intrapartum fetal stimulation tests published between 1966 and 2000. Four types of fetal stimulation were analyzed and included fetal scalp puncture for blood pH testing, Allis clamp pinching of the fetal scalp, vibroacoustic stimulation, and digital stroking of the fetal scalp. These investigators concluded that intrapartum stimulation tests were useful to exclude fetal acidemia. A unique padlike sensor is inserted through the cervix and positioned against the fetal face. The transcervical device reliably registers fetal oxygen saturation in 70 to 95 percent of women throughout 50 to 88 percent of their labors (Yam, 2000). Using fetal pulse oximetry, the lower limit for normal fetal oxygen saturation is generally considered to be 30 percent (Gorenberg, 2003; Stiller, 2002). Bloom and associates (1999) reported that brief, transient fetal oxygen saturations <30 percent were common during labor because such values were observed in 53 percent of fetuses with normal outcomes. When persistent for 2 minutes or longer, however, saturation values <30 percent were associated with a greater risk of potential fetal compromise. Patients received either conventional fetal monitoring alone or fetal monitoring plus continuous fetal pulse oximetry. The use of fetal pulse oximetry significantly reduced the cesarean delivery rate for nonreassuring fetal status from 10. Alternatively, the cesarean delivery rate for dystocia rose significantly from 9 to 19 percent when pulse oximetry was used. No neonatal benefits or adverse effects were associated with fetal pulse oximetry. Based on these observations, the Food and Drug Administration approved marketing of the Nellcor N-400 Fetal Oxygen Monitoring System. Since then, three other randomized trials have compared fetal pulse oximetry with standard care. East and coworkers (2006) reported that the addition of oximetry significantly reduced cesarean delivery rates for a nonreassuring fetal heart rate pattern. However, Bloom (2006) and Klauser (2005), each with their colleagues, found no difference in cesarean delivery rates between the two study groups. Because of these findings, in 2005, the manufacturer discontinued sale of the fetal oximeter system in the United States. In one randomized trial of 2400 pregnancies, neonatal outcomes were not improved compared with those in which conventional fetal monitoring alone was used (Westgate, 1993). The primary outcome was a composite of one or more of seven events associated with fetal compromise (Belfort, 2015). This composed 20 percent of the total 287 cesarean deliveries performed for fetal distress in this group. Clearly, the attending physicians abandoned the open group protocol that stipulated nonintervention. They likely perceived the fetal heart rate patterns to reflect those formerly accepted in their usual practice as nonreassuring. Intrapartum Doppler Velocimetry Doppler interrogation of the umbilical artery has been studied as another potential adjunct to conventional fetal monitoring. From their review, Farrell and associates (1999) concluded that this technique, used intrapartum, was a poor predictor of adverse perinatal outcomes. Uncertainty regarding the diagnosis based on interpretation of fetal heart rate patterns has given rise to descriptions such as reassuring or nonreassuring. The term "reassuring" suggests a restoration of confidence in the health of the fetus by a particular pattern.

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Of indications antiviral y antibiotico juntos purchase emorivir discount, ovarian tumors can generally be resected without inciting miscarriage hiv infection cycle animation generic emorivir 200mg without prescription. An important exception involves early removal of the corpus luteum or the ovary in which it resides hiv infection who purchase emorivir 200mg line. Trauma seldom causes first-trimester miscarriage, and although Parkland Hospital is a busy trauma center, this is an infrequent association. Major trauma- especially abdominal-can cause fetal loss, but is more likely as pregnancy advances (Chap. Nutrition Sole deficiency of one nutrient or moderate deficiency of all does not appear to increase risks for abortion. Dietary quality may play a role, as miscarriage risk may be reduced in women who consume a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, vegetable oils, and fish (Gaskins, 2015). With regard to maternal weight, underweight is not associated with a greater miscarriage risk (Balsells, 2016). Social and Behavioral Factors Lifestyle choices reputed to be associated with a higher miscarriage risk are most often related to chronic and especially heavy use of legal substances. The most commonly used is alcohol, with its potent teratogenic effects discussed in Chapter 12 (p. That said, an increased miscarriage risk is only seen with regular or heavy use (Avalos, 2014; Feodor Nilsson, 2014). Approximately 10 percent of pregnant women admit to cigarette smoking (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). It seems intuitive that cigarettes could cause early pregnancy loss (Pineles, 2014). Excessive caffeine consumption-not well defined-has been associated with a higher abortion risk. Reports link heavy intake of approximately five cups of coffee per day-about 500 mg of caffeine-with a slightly greater abortion risk (Cnattingius, 2000; Klebanoff, 1999). Studies of "moderate" intake-less than 200 mg daily-did not indicate increased risk (Savitz, 2008; Weng, 2008). In contrast, in one prospective cohort of more than 5100 gravidas, caffeine was linked to miscarriage but not in a dose-response relationship (Hahn, 2015). Currently, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (2016e) has concluded that moderate consumption likely is not a major abortion risk and that any associated risk with higher intake is unsettled. Also, a higher miscarriage risk was found for dental assistants exposed to more than 3 hours of nitrous oxide daily if there was no gas-scavenging equipment (Boivin, 1997). Paternal Factors Increasing paternal age is significantly associated with an greater risk for abortion (de La Rochebrochard, 2003). In the Jerusalem Perinatal Study, this risk was lowest before age 25 years, after which it progressively increased at 5-year intervals (Kleinhaus, 2006). The etiology of this association is not well studied, but chromosomal abnormalities in spermatozoa likely play a role (Sartorius, 2010). Spontaneous Abortion Clinical Classification Threatened Abortion this diagnosis is presumed when bloody vaginal discharge or bleeding appears through a closed cervical os during the first 20 weeks. This bleeding in early pregnancy must be differentiated from that with implantation, which some women have at the time of their expected menses. Aside from this, almost one fourth of women develop bleeding during early gestation that may persist for days or weeks. It may be accompanied by suprapubic discomfort, mild cramps, pelvic pressure, or persistent low backache. Of symptoms, bleeding is by far the most predictive risk factor for pregnancy loss. Even if miscarriage does not follow threatened abortion, rates of later adverse pregnancy outcomes are increased as shown in Table 18-1. Weiss and coworkers (2004) noted greater risks for adverse outcomes in later pregnancy if early bleeding was heavy rather than light. Compared with those without bleeding, women with first-trimester bleeding in an initial pregnancy have higher recurrence rates in their second (Lykke, 2010). Adverse Outcomes That Are Increased in Women with Threatened Abortion Every woman with an early pregnancy, vaginal bleeding, and pain should be evaluated.

