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By: G. Flint, M.B. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Deputy Director, Baylor College of Medicine

Meconium aspiration and persistent pulmonary hypertension will indicate need for ventilator care pregnancy 41 weeks cheap evista 60mg fast delivery. Neonatal seizure may be there in these babies because of neonatal encephalopathy or metabolic derangements like hypoglycemia women's health clinic east maitland buy evista 60 mg online, hypocalcemia pregnancy nose generic evista 60 mg, etc. These conditions if present would indicate need for secondary or tertiary level care for the baby. Twenty percent of post-term pregnancy may be associated with postmaturity syndrome. Close monitoring of pregnancies after 40 weeks of gestation and careful antepartum, intrapartum management may prevent many of the mortality and morbidities. Perinatal outcomes in low-risk term pregnancies: do they differ by week of gestation? Post-term birth and the risk of behavioural and emotional problems in early childhood. Un-controlled maternal diabetes, leads to fetal hyperglycemia stimulating the beta cells of pancreas resulting in fetal hyperinsulinemia. Because insulin is an anabolic hormone the fetal hyperinsulinemia stimulates protein, lipid and glycogen synthesis causing increased fetal body fat, excessive adipose deposition, visceral organ hypertrophy, and acceleration of body mass accretion to cause macrosomia. Macrosomia leads to complications of delivery, such as shoulder dystocia, obstructed labor, perinatal asphyxia and birth injury. Parents of large stature (weight or height), obese mothers and those who gain excessive weight during pregnancy lead to excessive delivery of nutrients to the fetus and contribute to increased fetal growth. Possibility of one of the rare syndromes associated with accelerated fetal growth should be considered, particularly in the presence of one or more fetal structural anomalies Table 3). Limited data suggest that placental epigenetic alterations may contribute to increased fetal growth. Excessive fetal growth can occur because of genetic factors or increased supply of nutrients. There are many risk factors which predispose a mother in having large for gestational age birth, however, the extent to which each of these factors influence birthweight is unclear Table 2). The higher the weight greater is the risk of complications of delivery, such as shoulder dystocia, obstructed labor, perinatal asphyxia and birth injury. The extremity may appear swollen, tender with minimal movement because of pain (pseudoparalysis) due to underlying bone fracture. Klumpkepalsy(C8-T1) affects small muscles of the hand, wrist and finger flexors (claw hand deformity) with absent grasp reflex. The most common anomalies associated are talipes calcaneovalgus, hip subluxation, hydrocephaly and nonbrown pigmentednevi. Initial jitteriness hypotonia followed by increased tone, and seizures are signs and symptoms of brain injury secondary to perinatal asphyxia. An infant with hydrops has an abnormal accumulation of excess fluid leading to generalized edema with effusions in multiple body cavities. A thorough family and pregnancy history shall help to identify at risk mothers and provide appropriate anticipatory care to prevent complications. Fetal well-being is commonly assessed through the use of maternal glucose tolerance testing, nonstress testing, and biophysical profiles. Prenatal management is aimed at determining the ideal time and mode of delivery depending on obstetric factors. At least one person capable of neonatal resuscitation should be present at the time of birth. A rapid assessment is done for presence of any birth injury, congenital malformations, and evidence of macrosomia, hypoglycemia, respiratory distress or genetic syndrome. In pregnancies complicated by diabetes, such a policy appears to be more tenable, although the merits of such an approach are debatable. Early neonatal complications such as asphyxia, birth trauma and hypoglycemia must be anticipated. In absence of any complications, routine care should be provided and baby handed over to the mother for skin-to-skin contact and early breastfeeding. Heart Tone Reflexes Genitalia Supportive Care Infant of diabetic mothers with asphyxia, congenital malformations, history of maternal insulin administration, unstable vital parameters and hypoglycemia should be admitted to nursery and should receive supportive care while being evaluated for hypoglycemia, hypocalcemia, polycythemia, and hyperbilirubinemia. State of well-being, sensorium, tone, cry and activity and perfusion is assessed periodically. Seizures are most commonly due to hypoglycemia and comorbid conditions like sepsis, asphyxia, hypocalcemia, electrolyte imbalance, intracranial hemorrhage should be considered if seizures persist despite glucose control.

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Also menstruation headaches nausea order evista pills in toronto, complex social interactions such as conflicts with friends womens health subscription buy evista 60mg otc, school pressures and experimentation with romantic relationships can exacerbate the labile emotional state of adolescents womens health 9 order evista 60 mg with amex. It is also a time when adolescents begin to explore and assert their personal identities and when relationships with peers begin to take precedence over relationships with the family. The rapidly changing social, political and economic scenario in the world has not left Indian family untouched. Weakeningof social support from kinship, movement of women empowerment, exposure to media, increasing competitive demands of the market economy and higher standards of achievement are a few aspects that have changed the family dynamics in the recent past. The need for differential values, competencies and coping styles between parents and adolescents are a source of anxiety and stress both for adolescents and parents. The ambiguity of values that adolescents observe in the adult world, the absence of powerful role models, increasing gaps between aspirations and possible achievements, not surprisingly, lead to alienation and identity diffusion. Parents who apparently seem modern, but if their child breaches established social codes, intergenerational conflicts related to marriage, career choice or separate living arrangements result in the tendency to fall back on tradition. The psychological theory (Sigmund Freud) focused on adolescence as a period of sexual excitement and anxiety. The cultural theory of Margaret Mead emphasized on the influence of culture in which theadolescentgrowsup. Childhood-adulthood Conflict In our society, the adolescent is considered neither as a child nor as an adult. But at the same time, he wants to hold independent views and opinions like an adult. Every adolescent has certain needs, the satisfaction of which is essential to his continued physical and other aspects of development. A need is a tension within an organism which must be satisfied for the well-being of the organism. When a need is satisfied, the tension is released and the individual experiences satisfaction. The fulfillment of physiological needs is inevitable because they are concerned with the very existence of the individual. The need for oxygen, need for water and food, need for rest and sleep, need for sex gratification etc. Needs that are associated with sociocultural environment of an individual are called secondary needs. They are acquired through social learning and their satisfaction is necessary for the psychological well-being of the individual. The important sociopsychological needs are as follows: (i) need for security, (ii) need for love, (iii) need for approval, (iv) need for freedom and independence and (v) need for self-expression and achievement. Adjustment Difficulties with School Discipline Most of the adolescents face a great problem in adjusting with school discipline. Sometimes school expects too much from students who must submit to teachers who may be tyrannical sometimes. The Adolescent Adjustment Difficulties with Community the adolescent is expected to find his place in a society marked by increasing social isolation and rapid technological changes. This changing world makes it difficult to anticipate and plan for adolescent life. Adolescents need help and guidance in decision making, problem solving, critical thinking, developing interpersonal skills, self-awareness, empathy, coping with stress and managing emotions. Conventional health service systems did not, until very recently in India, consider adolescent health as a vital aspect of health service development inthecountry. Many of the mental, reproductive and nutritional health needs of the adolescent population are required to be addressed and can be addressed in the primary care pediatric setting itself, if the current system of health-care can be reorganized. The health program for this age group should have promotive and preventive as well as remedial and curative components. Also, improving the availability of trained personnel in these areas of health, culturally Problems of Adolescents in the Indian Context Any period of development is likely to be accompanied by many potential difficulties. Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to adulthood that implies many development changes and associated problems. Some of the outstanding problems of Indian adolescence are the following: Perplexity with Regard to Somatic Variation Every adolescent has more or less difficult task of adjusting to somatic variation which may occur in connection with puberty. The flow of blood during menstruation in girls and nocturnal emission in boys creates worries and gives birth to so many fears and anxieties. Problems Related with Intensification of Sex Consciousness the sudden awakening of sex instinct during adolescence results in intensification of sex consciousness.

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The routes through which the meninges can be infected are hematogenous spread in generalized sepsis pregnancy urinary tract infection buy evista 60 mg online, focal infection with secondary bacteremia and direct inoculation from a congenital defect like open meningomyelocele or dermal sinus menstruation lupus discount evista 60mg with amex. Some bacteria are associated with an increased predilection to cause neonatal meningitis because of their specific characteristics menstruation migraine buy cheap evista online. Bacterial adhesins are necessary for optimal adhesion of bacteria to the mucosal epithelium and specific endopeptidases (secreted by bacteria) inactivate secretory IgA antibodies. There is rapid multiplication of bacteria in the brain due to the impaired host defense mechanisms at the blood brain barrier. When bacterial growth reaches the stationary phase or when antibiotics start working, bacteriolysis occurs releasing various bacterial components including lipopolysaccharides and peptidoglycans which trigger the inflammatory reaction locally. The age at presentation of meningitis can provide a clue to the probable mode of acquisition and the causative organisms. Early onset meningitis presenting within the first week (especially first 3 days) is most likely due to transmission from mother (vertical transmission). Late onset meningitis, presentation after the first week of life, suggests hospital or community acquisition. In India, the etiological organisms for both early and late onset meningitis are similar. However, in developed countries the etiology is different for the two types of presentation. Klebsiella spp, Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli are the predominant causal organisms reported in India. The most commonly reported symptoms are fever, lethargy, poor feeding, irritability, seizures and respiratory distress. They can also present with hypothermia, apnea, pallor, respiratory failure and shock. The clinical features may be affected by other factors such as gestational age, prior antibiotic treatment and postnatal age. There are no data available currently on timing of onset of these clinical features. Hence, the clinician should have a high index of suspicion of meningitis when evaluating a sick newborn infant. The resultant pathophysiological events include microglial proliferation, cerebral vasospasm, thrombosis and release of excitatory amino acids and free radicals. The clinical picture in neonatal meningitis, in addition to sepsis, may also be due to other noninfectious conditions of the newborn infants. The neurological features of meningitis such as seizures and tone abnormalities could also be due to hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, hemorrhage, stroke and cerebral edema. Hence, it is important to elicit careful history and perform complete clinical examination in all sick newborn infants. However, many recommend it, as it may have therapeutic and prognostic implications. Delayed clearance of a microorganism, when associated with no or partial clinical improvement, could indicate antibiotic resistance or a complication of meningitis such as brain abscess. It is recommended for those who have persistent pyrexia and raised acute phase reactants, and clinical deterioration with new neurological findings. Several calculations and formulae have been proposed and studied, but none of them have provided a consistent result towards diagnosing or excluding meningitis in pediatric population, especially in newborn infants. Before considering implementing this test as a routine part of investigation, more information is needed on the cost effectiveness, prognostic value and usefulness in India. Complications of meningitis such as ventriculitis, secondary hemorrhage, infarction, hydrocephalus pyocephalus and abscess can all be assessed through ultrasound. Identifying these complications early will facilitate in early management and influencing the outcome positively. Treatment is divided into three parts, supportive treatment, antibiotic treatment and adjunctive treatment. Supportive Treatment the survival of a sick newborn with meningitis depends upon aggressive supportive care. Care should be taken to avoid hypo or hyperthermia and the infant should be nursed in a thermoneutral environment. Oxygen saturation should be kept in the normal range and assisted ventilation may be needed for respiratory support on some occasions. In cases of septic shock, adequate fluid resuscitation is important in the management for improved survival.

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