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By: T. Barrack, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Deputy Director, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine

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After the version impotence lifestyle changes buy 40/60mg cialis with dapoxetine overnight delivery, the fetal heart should be monitored (cardiotocograph) and an injection of anti-D immunoglobulin given if the mother is Rh(D)-negative erectile dysfunction jelly purchase cialis with dapoxetine 20/60mg free shipping. The choice between elective caesarean section and planned vaginal birth is a decision equation common to many obstetric complications impotence aids purchase 40/60 mg cialis with dapoxetine otc. It is important that both the risks and benefits of procedures in general, and any specific advantages and disadvantages related to the condition in question, are understood by the parents when making this decision. Elective caesarean section is increasingly safe for the mother in the index pregnancy for many reasons, but key is the avoidance of an emergency caesarean section, which carries considerably greater anaesthesia risk and likelihood of complications such as thromboembolism or infection. The likelihood of subsequent high parity is the most reasonable circumstance for possibly favouring planned vaginal birth. Other issues to consider in choosing an elective caesarean section include the relative pelvic floor protection and, importantly, the preference of most women for vaginal birth, with sometimes reduced maternal satisfaction after caesarean section. Most importantly, caesarean section will be associated Planned vaginal birth versus elective caesarean section In 2000, the Term Breech Trial was published by Hannah et al. As a result, most breech presenta122 Chapter 15 Malpresentation with a reduced likelihood of adverse perinatal outcome. The common decision equation for choosing between vaginal birth and elective caesarean section is shown in Table 15. There are specific problems with vaginal breech birth that do not apply to a cephalic presentation. Second, the proximity of the umbilical cord to the presenting part makes cord compression or cord prolapse much more likely during both labour and birth. Finally, if there is severe fetal compromise during the second stage of labour, a cephalic presentation can be rapidly delivered with traction instrumentally, using forceps or vacuum. In great contrast, traction on the breech will lead to an extension force being applied up through the atlanto-occipital joint, head extension and a near impossible delivery of a brow presentation in reverse. For example, epidural anaesthesia will reduce the maternal expulsive forces in most women to a varying extent. Factors associated with an increased likelihood of head entrapment, cord prolapse or acute fetal compromise in labour will all be relative contraindications to vaginal breech birth. Caesarean section with a breech presentation this is not always as easy as might be expected. To begin with, the narrower presenting part has not always expanded the lower uterine segment as for a cephalic presentation. The first objective is to grasp a foot, but this may be up at the fundus if the legs are extended. Pressure behind the knee will be needed to flex the foot down, and it is obviously important not to hyperextend the knee. This is accomplished with the assistant guiding the head down through the uterus while firmly applied pressure downwards on the fetal vertex. The greatest difficulty will occur with the extreme preterm breech, where the head is so much bigger than the breech and the lower segment is narrow. In this circumstance, a vertical lower segment incision can be contemplated that would be easy to extend upwards if difficulties are encountered. If a transverse incision has been performed and the head is stuck, it is important to avoid excessive traction; there are many reports of cervical spine or vertebral artery injury in this situation. Another problem that may arise is that a caesarean section is sometimes performed with a breech that is very deep in the pelvis, even on view. If the presentation was cephalic, an instrumental birth would be performed if delivery became urgent for fetal compromise. With a breech presentation, a caesarean section is still needed as traction from below is fraught with the dangerous complication of head extension (see the next section). B the head is delivered by traction on the feet as they are swung upwards; the head is born by extension as it rotates around the symphysis. In particular, she will have been informed of the importance of not pushing until the cervix is fully dilated and then the necessity of delivering the breech by expulsive effort from the mother. This is because traction by the accoucheur before the head is deep in the pelvis will cause head extension, with potentially catastrophic outcomes.

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