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By: H. Eusebio, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Co-Director, University of the Virgin Islands

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Life lesson: Cataracts Another common cause of visual disturbances cholesterol in a shrimp buy crestor 10mg, especially among the elderly cholesterol grams per day discount crestor online amex, is cataracts cholesterol lowering diet plan cheap crestor 20mg with visa. Other common complaints include glare, colors appearing faded, and poor night vision. Cataracts commonly occur as a part of aging, although other risk factors include diabetes mellitus, smoking, and prolonged exposure to sunlight. Treatment includes surgery to remove the lens with the cataract and insertion of an artificial lens. To reduce blurriness when focusing on a nearby object, the pupil constricts to screen out peripheral light rays. The constriction and dilation of the pupil depends upon muscles inside the iris; these are called the intrinsic eye muscles. When stimulated by the parasympathetic nervous system, the muscle constricts, narrowing the pupil to admit less light. When stimulated by the sympathetic nervous system, this muscle contracts, pulling the inside edge of the iris outward. Specifically, the curvature of the lens changes to allow the eye to focus on a near object, a process called accommodation. In fact, both pupils constrict even if only one eye is illuminated, which is why this is sometimes called the consensual light reflex. Lens thins Ciliary muscle relaxed Ciliary muscle contracted Lens thickens the nearly parallel light rays from distant objects require little refraction. Consequently, the ciliary muscle encircling the lens relaxes and the lens flattens and thins. This narrows the lens, causing it to bulge into a convex shape and thicken, giving it more focusing power. There are three types of cones-red, green, and blue-each of which responds to the wavelength of light from that particular color. All the colors we perceive result from a mixture of nerve signals from these three types of cones. Because cones are concentrated in the center of the retina, to see an object clearly in the daytime-or to distinguish between colors-we look at it straight on. At night, or in dim light, we can see more clearly by looking slightly to one side of an object. To distinguish between the actions of rods and cones, remember that "c" (as in cones) stands for "color. Contrary to its name, color blindness does not mean that the individual sees everything in shades of gray (except in very rare cases). Rather, the person sees color, but he has difficulty distinguishing certain colors. Left visual field Right visual field Left eye Right eye Nerve impulses generated by the rods and cones leave the eye via the optic nerve. Half the nerve fibers cross over to the opposite side of the brain at the optic chiasm. Specifically, fibers from the nasal side cross over while the fibers on the temporal side remain on the same side. The impulses travel to the primary visual cortex in the occipital lobe for interpretation. It may be confusing to think that images from the right visual field are handled by the left cerebral hemisphere, and that images from the left visual field are handled by the right cerebral hemisphere. It makes more sense, however, when you remember that the right brain controls motor responses on the left side of the body and vice versa. Chemoreceptors react to chemicals; mechanoreceptors respond to factors (such as pressure, stretch, or vibration) that change the position of a receptor; thermoreceptors respond to changes in temperature. Injured receptors do release several different chemicals, but this has nothing to do with identifying the source of pain. Deep body organs and structures contain slow pain fibers, which produce dull, aching pain. Pain signals that travel to the thalamus proceed to the postcentral gyrus, making the individual aware of pain, while signals that travel to the limbic system trigger emotional responses to pain. Convergence is when the visual axis of each eye lines up properly to the incoming light rays. The semicircular canals are crucial for the maintenance of balance and equilibrium.

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The urethral sphincter muscle is an integral part of the urethral wall and is made up of all slow-twitch (type 1) fibers cholesterol jokes cheap crestor generic. The periurethral muscles (compressor urethrae and urethrovaginal sphincter) are composed of mostly slowtwitch fibers with a variable concentration of fast-twitch (type 2) fibers cholesterol test meter order crestor pills in toronto. These fibers combine to provide constant tonus cholesterol chart tracker generic crestor 5 mg visa, with emergency reflex activity mainly in the distal half of the urethra. The response of segmental spinal reflex leading to pudendal nerve function involves several spinal cord segments. Afferent fibers involved in the reflex have both segmental and supraspinal routing. This dual routing explains the bimodal response of pudendal motor neurons when pudendal sensory nerves are stimulated, and it differs from stimulation of pelvic detrusor afferents. The neurotransmitter at the periurethral skeletal neuromuscular junction is acetylcholine and the receptors are nicotinic type. The intimate adherence of the neuromuscular junction to the striated muscle fibers conveys a resistance to blockade by neuromuscular blocking agents. Sensory Innervation the sensory innervation of the lower urinary tract is intricate and complex. A urothelial and suburothelial network has been described, which provide different sensory input from the lower urinary tract. The sensory nerves are denser in the urethra and trigone and sparser in the dome of the bladder. The afferent axons join their respective efferent nerves in the previously described paths for the autonomic and somatic neural pathways. Some researchers claim the majority of afferent nerves travel with the hypogastric nerve to the thoracolumbar region of the spinal cord, while others state they travel through the pelvic nerve and enter at the sacral levels. Afferent fibers travel with their corresponding efferents, and this explains why patients with lesions in the cauda equina still have some sensory input via the sympathetic pathways. Detrusor proprioceptive endings (A fibers) exist as nerve endings in collagen bundles. They are stimulated by stretch or contraction and are responsible for the feeling of bladder fullness. Pain and temperature nerve endings (C fibers) are free in bladder mucosa and submucosa. These unique cation channels are described in almost every tissue and cell type and play a major role in cellular function and sensory input. These channels have been divided into six subfamilies, each subfamily having several unique channels. These channels are affected by many different stimuli (both chemical and physical) and play a major role in afferent activity including detection and integration of noxious stimuli. They achieve this by a dual mechanism whereby their intracellular actions (cation concentrations) are combined with a second mechanism of influencing neurotransmitter release including substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide (Furuta et al. Activation of C fibers plays a major role in bladder inflammation and overactivity and in conditions where C fiber afferentation through neuroplastic changes has taken place. Purinergic receptor stimulation (chemical, C-fiber) in an animal model enhances the spinal neuronal activity already seen with intravesical filling (A physical stretch). Active research into pharmacologic manipulation of these channels is a potentially new therapeutic option for control of conditions such as painful bladder syndrome. Not only can some of these act as neurotransmitters but others like nitric oxide are also released from the urothelium and act as modulators and messengers. Urethral sensation is carried principally by the pudendal nerve, although the autonomic nervous system also has its usual afferent component. Urethral smooth muscle sensory innervation, like that of the detrusor, has both a contralateral and an ipsilateral supply. Moreover, these substances can also activate both channels in sensory fibers in the urothelium and the muscularis, which can cause, via the spinal cord, contraction of the bladder and pain.

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Women who have fourth-degree tears into the anal sphincter are much more Lichen sclerosis cholesterol hdl ratio emedicine discount 10 mg crestor fast delivery, lichen planus Hypertonus of levator muscles Cervical cholesterol medication safe in pregnancy discount 20mg crestor free shipping, uterine cholesterol levels uk normal range buy crestor 10mg cheap, lower urinary tract Prior surgery, prior infection Uterine, vaginal cuff, vaginal wall/bladder/rectum Retroflexed, retroverted Ovarian/tubal cyst or neoplasm Irritable bowel, inflammatory bowel, dermatitis, fissure, prolapse Depression, anxiety, body-image issues, stress outer third of the vagina that interferes with vaginal penetration (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). This definition has been challenged because women may not feel pain despite the presence of vaginismus. Although penetration is difficult or impossible, many women can enjoy other sexual activity and can achieve orgasm. Vaginismus occurs as a result of the anticipation of the pain with penetration, muscle tension, and avoidance behavior. This change has resulted in considerable debate and its clinical utility and acceptance is in its infancy (See Table 6. The impact of the route of delivery and the resulting effects on long-term pelvic floor health continues to be investigated. In addition to the potential of causing perineal lacerations, the process of vaginal birth has been implicated in the damage of the innervation to the pelvic floor. Compression or stretch injury that occurs during delivery leads to neuropathy of the pudendal nerve, which can lead to urinary and anorectal incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Birth may cause or worsen previously existing hypertonicity of the pelvic floor or trigger points. Spasm induced by contraction of the muscles can cause referred pain or irritative symptoms throughout the path of the pudendal nerve and adjacent structures. Because the pudendal nerve mediates some of the reflex pathways of the inherent female sexual response, the damage can result in physiologic causes of female sexual dysfunction. This neuropathic injury may be less likely to occur when cesarean section is performed before the onset of labor by avoiding direct perineal trauma and pudendal neuropathy. The supposed possible protective benefits of scheduled cesarean section, however, remain inconsistent. Data using validated sexual health questionnaires suggest that women who undergo cesarean delivery have an elevated risk of sexual dysfunction that is nondyspareunia related in origin. Any protective effect of caesarean delivery on sexual function appears to be limited to the early postnatal period and is related to the absence of perineal injury. This happens as a result of decreased vaginal lubrication from high levels of prolactin; nipple sensitivity and discomfort with the potential erotic feelings from breastfeeding as a result of oxytocin production leading to a sense of sexual arousal and orgasm; and sleep disturbances that contribute to fatigue, exhaustion, and partner isolation. Finally, postnatal depression and emotional lability are related inversely to sexual enjoyment, interest, and activity. As the trigger points persist, the muscles weaken and over time, the surrounding muscles groups become affected and more distant areas, such as the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen, become involved (Fitzgerald and Kotarinos 2003b). Pelvic floor muscle hypertonus has been associated with interstitial cystitis, provoked vestibulodynia, and generalized vulvodynia and dyspareunia. The hypertonus can be a result of pain or injury but also can be the origin of pain. Childbirth, surgery, chronic low back or hip pain, pelvic pain, recurrent vaginitis, bladder infections, dysmenorrhea, constipation or irritable bowel, neuromuscular and inflammatory disorders, chronic pain syndromes, and anxiety can all be underlying etiologies. Many women without obvious organic disease such as positive urine cultures, vaginitis, or adnexal pathology may find that their clinicians are unable to find the cause of their symptoms. This may be due to a lack of recognition or training of this diagnosis as a cause of sexual pain or sexual dysfunction. A thorough history and directed physical exam will uncover myofascial pelvic pain as a possible cause of dyspareunia. Treatment involves validating the presence of pain even in the absence of clear pathology and including a multidisciplinary approach to resolve the identified aspects of the sexual dysfunction. A variety of manual therapy techniques such as myofascial release, myofascial trigger point release, visceral manipulation, and neural mobilizations, as well as therapeutic exercises such as pelvic floor retraining with dilators, core stabilization, and behavioral therapies are utilized to benefit women with sexual pain problems. The use of botulinum toxin injected into the levator muscles is demonstrating an additive effect to pain treatment. These symptoms can be quite bothersome and have a negative effect on the overall quality of life and daily functioning. Pelvic Floor Disorders Myofascial Pelvic Pain Various terminologies have been used to describe hypertonus disorders of the pelvic floor, including pelvic floor dysfunction, levator ani syndrome, pelvic floor tension myalgia, pelvic floor myofascial pain, pelvic floor spasm, and shortened pelvic floor (Fitzgerald and Kotarinos, 2003a). Although the mechanism of pelvic floor dysfunction is incompletely understood, myofascial pain or pelvic floor hypertonicity has been described as a disorder in which pain is attributed to short, tight, tender pelvic floor muscles in which trigger points are present.

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