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By: F. Bernado, MD

Deputy Director, Florida International University Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine

Saji H allergy testing taunton purchase 4 mg aristocort with amex, Yamanaka M allergy web aristocort 4 mg with amex, Hagiwara A allergy medicine runny nose best 4mg aristocort, et al: Losartan and fetal toxic effects, Lancet 357:363, 2001. However, in the past 40 years, health care has become progressively more complex, further dependent on technology, and increasingly reliant on more team members to provide care. The physician is still captain of the team, and yet, more than a dozen staff, including physicians, nurses, social workers, therapists, and trainees at various levels, may care for a patient on an obstetrics service through numerous work shifts. The opportunities for error have increased along with the complexity of care, and as we have improved our ability to deal with complex diseases, we have also increased the stakes for failure. At the same time, the expectations of federal and local regulatory bodies, employers, the insurance industry, the public as a whole, and individual patients have never been higher. Although the idea of keeping patients safe and providing them with the best outcomes is certainly not new, turning these ideas into tangible practice has taken center stage in the health care industry. This chapter reviews the origins of the patient safety movement, discusses patient safety in obstetrics specifically, and outlines techniques to improve safety and cope with the aftermath of adverse events. Box 49-1 offers definitions for many of the terms in this chapter and in related literature. Three years after the Annenberg Conference, the Institute of Medicine published a landmark report assessing the prevalence and impact of medical errors in the United States, estimating that a staggering 44,000 to 98,000 patients die each year as the result of medical errors. A key foundation of the patient safety movement is the recognition of the ubiquity of human and system deficiencies that contribute to error. By understanding that error is nearly inevitable but mostly preventable, patient safety efforts focus on human fallibility and seek to enhance communication, fail-safe measures, and barriers that decrease the likelihood that an error will manifest itself at the bedside. A large proportion of patient safety work is based on techniques established in aviation. Recognizing the influence of human error and interpersonal interactions in airline accidents, the aviation industry took an early lead in adverse outcome reduction in the 1980s. Their two-pronged approach confronts human error by establishing guidelines, checklists, and drills to improve automation of processes, and it confronts imperfect interpersonal interactions by reducing hierarchies, teaching effective teamwork practices, and empowering individuals to speak up when they recognize an abnormal situation. Acknowledging that medicine is similarly stressful, time constrained, and teamwork dependent, patient safety leaders have adapted many of the principles and techniques of aviation to the health care environment. With the implementation of these techniques, the patient safety movement has shown great progress, and improvements in safety have been documented in cardiology,4 critical care,5 and anesthesia. Lack of traction in obstetrics is especially perplexing because the discipline is considered to be in a medical professional liability crisis. In fact, although obstetrician-gynecologists represent about 5% of physicians in the United States, they generate 15% of liability claims and 36% of total payments made by medical liability carriers. The profound impact of an obstetric adverse outcome on the family unit is one contributor to the liability crisis in obstetrics, in which the average payment for just one obstetric liability claim is approximately $500,000 to $1,900,000. A communication tool used to convey critical information during an event such as a code. Allows everyone working on a problem to know what is going on and how to anticipate the next step, and it identifies who is in charge. An algorithm or flow diagram for the escalating involvement of leadership to aid in the resolution of disputes, differences, or questions. A communication tool to verify accurate verbal or written information exchange, borrowed from the military and aviation. Usually takes the form of repeating what is heard to acknowledge receipt and verify accuracy. Team members will use a checklist to assist the staff in incorporating all necessary steps before or during a procedure. Checklists aim to implement evidencebased and best-practice strategies in a systematic fashion, making their use routine and universal. They also attempt to improve the function of a team by creating a shared set of standards and goals.


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Most pulmonary effusions are lymphatic in origin allergy treatment prescription discount aristocort 4 mg with amex, but they may be part of other problems (25% of cases) allergy testing in orlando cheap aristocort 4mg visa, including aneuploidy (7%) sun allergy treatment tips buy aristocort with amex. The principal indication for fetal intervention in case of pleural effusion is generalized fetal hydrops with fluid found in at least one other body cavity, with or without abnormal cardiac function. In the presence of fetal hydrops, the estimated survival rate with pulmonary effusion is about 30%, but it is 80% without hydrops. Therefore treatment of pulmonary effusion is not warranted unless hydrops is present. Even when thoracocentesis is performed as a first procedure, the effusion may recur within days. After effusion aspiration, cardiac anatomy can be better inspected, and the source of the effusion can be determined from cell content, biochemistry, and karyotyping. Pleurodesis has been accomplished by injecting a sclerosing agent into the affected hemithorax, but in case of failure it may hamper later shunt placement. Shunt dislodgment has been described, and posterior insertion may prevent the fetus from pulling the shunt out. After delivery, ventilatory support is often needed, and thoracocentesis or drainage may be required, with dietary or parenteral supplementation. Posterior urethral valves is by far the most common type (at least one third in autopsy series), but other conditions give a similar clinical picture, including stenosis of the urethral meatus, anterior valves, urethral atresia, ectopic insertion of a ureter, and (peri)vesical tumors. Over time, compliance and elasticity decrease and may cause poor postnatal bladder function. Elevated bladder pressure prevents urinary inflow from above, and the ureterovesical angle may change, resulting in reflux hydronephrosis. Progressive pyelectasis and calyectasis compress the delicate renal parenchyma within the encasing serosal capsule, leading to functional abnormalities within the medullary and eventually the cortical regions. Focal compressive hypoxia probably contributes to the progressive fibrosis and perturbations in tubular function, resulting in the urinary hypertonicity that is observed. Concurrently, amniotic fluid volume falls, and as a consequence- depending on gestational age-pulmonary hypoplasia evolves. This condition is reproducible in animal models, and more importantly, reversal of the obstruction both experimentally and clinically leads to reaccumulation of amniotic fluid. The best prediction is obtained by two or more sequential vesicocenteses several days apart. Most children are developmentally normal, but some lag in growth, and pulmonary problems may persist in others. Other case series have had similar results, suggesting that even with favorable pre-procedure urine profiles, up to half of survivors have chronic renal insufficiency in childhood. Improved perinatal survival was subsequently confirmed in a systematic review in 2010 by Morris and colleagues, but the risk of long-term postnatal renal compromise remained uncertain. The ongoing uncertainty in patient selection for fetal bladder shunting demonstrates a need for improvement in predicting long-term postnatal renal function. Several complex algorithms have been proposed, including serum markers (2-microglobulin) and even renal biopsy. Both fetoscopic antegrade catheterization and hydroablation or laser ablation of urethral valves have now been described. A later systematic review of this novel approach concluded that it was still too early for it to be translated into clinical practice outside of a research trial. Postnatal surgery, which results in a far from optimal singleventricle Fontan-type circulation,314 has a considerable mortality rate, leading to a total survival of less than 65%. Indeed, a preferential return of oxygenated blood toward the right ventricle and lower body rather than toward the left ventricle and the brain may lead to suboptimal brain oxygenation in utero. Antenatal intervention theoretically reduces intraventricular pressure, improves coronary perfusion (reducing ischemic damage), allows ventricular growth, and avoids induction of myocardial fibroelastosis, thus enabling improved functional (biventricular) postnatal repair. Because one third of fetuses with congenital heart defects have associated extracardiac malformations or aneuploidy, detailed sonography and amniocentesis must be performed. The current criteria for intervention and techniques for needle-based access to the fetal heart are outlined in Table 35-16. The procedure is typically done using local or locoregional anesthesia with fetal analgesia and immobilization. Initially the laparotomy rate in Boston was as high as 27%, but this dropped to 10% in the most recent 50 cases. A guidewire and a catheter with a coronary dilation balloon are advanced through the aortic valve, which is dilated to 120% of the valve annulus.

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As noted earlier allergy shots walgreens order aristocort 4 mg with visa, however allergy forecast cedar park tx buy aristocort 4 mg mastercard, there is insufficient evidence from adequate prospective trials to determine the long-term consequences of alternative methods of delivery on pelvic floor function or to support a recommendation for elective cesarean section to reduce the risks of urinary and anal sphincter incontinence allergy girl purchase aristocort paypal. The Consensus Development Statement on Cesarean Childbirth230 did much to clarify the indications for cesarean delivery and to draw attention to specific situations in which the need for cesarean delivery can be reduced by thorough evaluation of the patient and the facility. Studies by Silbar291 and by Seitchik and colleagues292 found that the increase in cesarean birth rate for dystocia resulted, in part, from an increased incidence of large infants and a consequent absolute increase in fetal-pelvic disproportion. Continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring contributed to the increase in cesarean delivery for "dystocia. In the absence of data about absolute intrauterine pressure values and subtle fetal heart rate decelerations, it is tempting to speculate that there is longer and more vigorous oxytocin augmentation of desultory labors before cesarean section is considered in the group monitored by a bedside nurse. Or perhaps the nurse at the bedside allays anxiety and thereby contributes to a normal labor pattern and less fetal distress. The diagnosis of fetal distress, which accounted for 10% to 15% of the increase in cesarean delivery rate in the studies described, is often made in the context of a labor that is not progressing normally. Zalar and Quilligan294 found that the use of fetal scalp blood sampling substantially reduced the number of cesarean deliveries performed for presumed fetal distress. Moreover, as experience is gained with reading fetal monitoring tracings, one is less likely to perform operative deliveries for abnormal but not necessarily ominous fetal heart rate changes. Consequently, judicious interpretation of continuous fetal heart rate monitoring data and persistent attention to factors that will improve the fetal environment often allow the additional time needed for successful labor and vaginal delivery. Garite and colleagues295 found that continuous fetal pulse oximetry in labor resulted in a 50% reduction in the number of cesarean deliveries for nonreassuring fetal status, compared with continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring in control subjects, but the overall rate of cesarean section was not reduced, because the number of abdominal deliveries for dystocia increased. Bloom and coworkers296 randomly assigned 5341 nulliparous women in labor to either "open" or "masked" fetal pulse oximetry. Clinicians had access to oximetry data in the "open" arm and did not in the "masked" arm. There were no differences in the overall rate of cesarean delivery, nor in the rates of abdominal delivery for dystocia or fetal distress; a planned subanalysis of cases with nonreassuring fetal heart rate tracings also demonstrated no differences. This trial called into question the value of fetal pulse oximetry in helping patients forego abdominal delivery or improving the health of newborns. The waning enthusiasm for midpelvic forceps deliveries has contributed to the increased number of cesarean deliveries in the "dystocia" category. Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section Before 1980, abdominal delivery after a previous cesarean section accounted for 25% to 30% of the increase in cesarean delivery rate. In a meta-analysis of 31 studies that included 11,417 patients with a trial of labor after a previous low-transverse cesarean delivery, Rosen and associates297 found that maternal febrile morbidity was significantly lower after a trial of labor than after an elective repeat cesarean. Consequently, the overall risk associated with a trial of labor after a previous cesarean delivery will be decreased by selecting women who have a high probability (>80%) of successful vaginal delivery. More than 25% choose to undergo another elective cesarean delivery if given the chance. No infant in the repeat cesarean group but 12 of the infants in the trial of labor group suffered encephalopathy, and 7 of those 12 cases were associated with uterine rupture (for a rate of 0. The rates of endometritis and of transfusion were higher in the trial of labor group, but there were no differences in the rates of hysterectomy or maternal death. This contemporary cohort is useful in counseling patients and demonstrates the low absolute risks associated with either approach. Spinal anesthesia is associated with the highest incidence of hypotension and should always be accompanied by uterine displacement, maternal prehydration, and (more controversially) prophylactic ephedrine administration. Lindblad and associates307 used Doppler ultrasound to estimate fetal aortic and umbilical blood flow in women during cesarean delivery with intrathecal anesthesia. They found that if maternal blood pressure was maintained within the normal range with a preload infusion of lactated Ringer solution and ephedrine, fetal blood flow was unaffected for 30 minutes after induction. Most important for the obstetrician is the awareness that, with spinal anesthesia, the time from onset of anesthesia to delivery of the infant is directly related to the degree of fetal metabolic acidosis resulting from uteroplacental hypoperfusion.

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Our practice has been to measure cervical length every 2 weeks from 16 to 24 weeks in the cases of multiple gestation deemed to be at highest risk for preterm delivery allergy medicine safe pregnancy aristocort 4 mg visa. For all other multiple gestations allergy symptoms rash face buy aristocort 4mg overnight delivery, we perform sonographic assessment of cervical length at the time of sonography for fetal anatomy or growth allergy symptoms and headaches purchase aristocort in united states online. The major limitation of routine cervical length assessment for multiple gestations is the lack of a proven effective intervention when a short cervix is noted. There is no evidence that routine biophysical profile testing in the absence of specific additional high-risk factors has any benefit in multiple gestations. Umbilical artery systolic-todiastolic ratios are similar in singleton and twin gestations. A deterioration in this ratio may occur before the sonographic detection of growth restriction. Normal Doppler velocimetry indices of other fetal vessels, such as the middle cerebral artery and the descending aorta, are similar for singleton, twin, and triplet fetuses. Sonographic measurement of amniotic fluid volume is an important tool to evaluate fetal well-being. In a dye-dilution study of diamniotic twin pregnancies, the amniotic fluid volume in each amniotic sac was noted to be independent of the volume in the neighboring sac and was similar to singleton fluid volumes. Prenatal Diagnosis Prenatal diagnosis and genetic counseling are especially important in the management of multiple gestation because of the higher risk for fetal anomalies in multifetal gestation and the positive association between twinning and maternal age. In dizygotic twin pregnancies, each fetus has its own independent risk for aneuploidy; thus, there is an additive increased risk for at least one abnormal fetus. Furthermore, both monozygotic and dizygotic pregnancies have increased risk for structural anomalies. Because postzygotic nondisjunction can result in heterokaryotypic twins, monozygotic twins may not necessarily be concordant for chromosomal abnormalities. Because of this phenomenon, and because the diagnosis of monochorionicity is rarely made with certainty, consideration should be given to sampling each gestation separately whenever prenatal diagnosis is indicated. The role of ultrasonography to detect fetal anomalies in multiple gestations was discussed previously. In the population studied by Rodis and coworkers, the risk for a 33-year-old woman that one fetus in a twin pregnancy would have Down syndrome was similar to that for a 35-yearold woman with a singleton gestation. Reprinted with permission from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. These alterations in risk assessment for chromosomal abnormalities are important, because invasive prenatal diagnosis may be considered at an even earlier maternal age for gravidas with higherorder multiple gestations. However, advances in multiple-marker screening have made maternal age alone obsolete as a threshold for offering invasive tests of fetal karyotype. Women with multiple gestations who are concerned about aneuploidy risk should be counseled and supported to make their own personal decision about choosing a screening test, a diagnostic test, or no testing at all. Data supporting combined screening are quite limited, with insufficient numbers of affected pregnancies to allow robust data interpretation. In one study of 448 twin gestations, this form of combined screening was estimated to be able to deliver an 88% detection rate for Down syndrome, with a 7. Serum screening for neural tube defects in multiple gestations cannot identify which fetus is affected. We now rely exclusively on sonographic evaluation of the fetal posterior cranial fossa and the spine itself to diagnose or exclude neural tube defects in multiple gestations. These sonographic features, such as the "lemon" sign, representing scalloping of the frontal bones, and the "banana" sign, representing downward displacement of the cerebellum toward the foramen magnum, are valid in multiple gestations. A new needle is then placed into the second sac, and aspiration of clear fluid confirms successful sampling of two separate sacs. Methylene blue dye should not be used because of the risks for fetal hemolytic anemia, smallintestine atresia, and fetal demise. This procedure can be extended sequentially to perform triplet and quadruplet genetic amniocenteses.

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