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By: Y. Hector, M.B.A., M.B.B.S., M.H.S.

Program Director, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine

Large processing plants provide opportunities for contamination of great quantities of food unless sanitation is strictly practiced blood pressure medication online cheap metoprolol 50mg on-line. In institutions that feed large numbers of people heart attack 911 purchase metoprolol cheap, contaminated food will cause many cases of disease arrhythmia recognition test order metoprolol toronto. The increased popularity of convenience foods, especially fast foods, has also raised the risk of infection. In addition to the enteric diseases described in Chapter 22, several other diseases can be transmitted in food. Although it is thought of mainly as a pathogen of the respiratory system, it can cause diarrhea in infants, abscesses, and nosocomial wound and urinary tract infections. Tuberculosis can be transmitted by fomites in food, unpasteurized milk and cheese, and meats from infected animals. Immunocomproenterocolitica, is thought to be transmitmised people should not eat soft cheeses like Brie, ted by eating infected meat, but it also Camembert, and bluemay be transmitted through milk and veined cheeses. The disease has many forms, including mild to severe gastroenteritis, arthritis, glomerulonephritis, a fatal typhoidlike septicemia, and fatal ileitis, an inflammation of the small intestine that can be mistaken for appendicitis. People have also become infected with Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae by eating infected pork. The resulting disease- called erysipelas (er-i-sipe-las) in animals and erysipeloid in humans-infects swine, sheep, and turkeys. It is most likely to infect farmers and packing plant workers through skin wounds. Enteroviruses are often spread during unsanitary handling of food, especially by asymptomatic food handlers. Droplet infection of food can transmit echovirus and coxsackie respiratory infections. And the viruses responsible for hepatitis A can be transmitted through shellfish from contaminated waters. The virus that causes lymphocytic choriomeningitis, a flulike illness, can be spread to foods by mice. In addition to toxin producers and pathogens found in other foods, milk can contain organisms from cows. These organisms include Mycobacterium bovis, Brucella species, Listeria monocytogenes, and Coxiella burnetii. Spore-producing organisms such as Bacillus anthracis enter milk from infected cows or from soil. But milk also contains certain antibacterial substances, including lysozyme, agglutinins, leukocytes, and lactenin. It is also present in human milk and other body secretions and may help prevent enteric infections in newborns. Fermented milk contains bacteria, such as Leuconostoc cremoris that kill pathogens. A crucial factor in preventing spoilage and disease transmission in food and milk is cleanliness in handling. Other commonsense practices-prompt use of fresh foods, careful refrigeration, and prompt and adequate processing of foods to be stored-also help control disease transmission and spoilage. Food Preservation Many procedures used to preserve foods are based on practices begun early in human civilization. These practices were most likely based on simple observations like the following: Grain that was kept dry did not turn moldy. And milk allowed to sour or made into cheese was usable over a much longer period of time than was fresh milk. Modern methods of food and milk preservation still use some of these early methods, but they also use heat and cold and other specialized procedures. Many of the methods of food preservation have been described under antimicrobial physical agents in Chapter 12. They include canning using moist heat; refrigeration, freezing; lyophilization and drying; and the use of radiation.

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But thermophilic bacteria can make it from cellulose hypertension 1 generic metoprolol 50 mg mastercard, and Acetobacterium woodii and Clostridium aceticum can make it from hydrogen and carbon dioxide blood pressure chart over 65 order metoprolol without prescription. Lactobacillus delbrueckii metabolizes glucose to lactic acid arteria ethmoidalis posterior purchase 50 mg metoprolol overnight delivery, which is used to acidify foods, to make synthetic textiles and plastics, and in electroplating. The mold Aspergillus niger makes citric acid with great efficiency when molasses is used as the fermentation substrate. Industrial microbiologists work diligently to find ways to cause organisms to make their particular antibiotic in large quantities. An effective way is to induce mutations and then screen the progeny to find strains that produce more antibiotic than the parent strain. Such methods, combined with improved fermentation procedures, have been quite successful. For example, a strain of Penicillium chrysogenum that once produced 60 mg of penicillin per liter of culture now produces 20 g/l. The reason only 2% of all known antibiotics have been marketed is that many antibiotics are either too toxic to use therapeutically or of no greater benefit than antibiotics already in use. Because pathogens continually develop resistance to antibiotics, industrial microbiologists not only seek new antibiotics but also try to make available antibiotics more effective. They look for ways to increase potency, improve therapeutic properties, and make antibiotics more resistant to inactivation by microorganisms. McClenaghan/Science Source) (b) Synthetic and semisynthetic antibiotics are now made in the laboratory for use alongside those produced by microorganisms. This collaboration is illustrated by the way chemists have modified -lactam antibiotics (penicillins and cephalosporins), which some microorganisms destroy with the enzyme -lactamase. Binding a molecule such as clavulanic acid to the -lactam ring prevents the enzyme from inactivating the antibiotic. The antibiotic augmentin, for example, is a semisynthetic antibiotic consisting of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. With a few exceptions, such as the extraction of the meat tenderizer papain from papaya fruit, industrial Scientists are interested in the enzymes enzymes are made by microorganthat allow extremophilic isms. Enzymes are extracted from bacteria to function in microorganisms rather than being harsh environments, synthesized in the laboratory bebecause of their possible cause laboratory synthesis is as yet application to industrial too complicated to be practical. Organisms use genetic information to synthesize enzymes easily, but laboratory chemists find this a tedious and expensive process. Enzymes are especially useful in industrial processes because of their specificity. They act on a certain substrate and yield a certain product, thus minimizing problems of product purification. The methods industrial microbiologists use to produce enzymes include screening for mutants and gene manipulation. Screening for mutants that produce large quantities of an enzyme has been an effective technique. Compared with synthetic pathways for antibiotics, those for enzymes are simpler, and fewer genes are involved. Thus, gene manipulation shows great promise for increasing the yield of some enzymes and making industrial production of others feasible. Only about 200 of some 2,000 known enzymes are now produced commercially, so there is room for significant progress in this area. Of the commercially available enzymes, proteases and amylases are produced in greatest quantities. Proteases, which degrade proteins and are added to detergents to increase cleaning power, are made industrially by molds of the genus Aspergillus and bacteria of the genus Bacillus. Amylases, which degrade starches into sugars, also are made by Aspergillus species. Other useful degradative enzymes are lipase from the yeast Saccharomycopsis and lactase from the mold Trichoderma and the yeast Kluyveromyces. Another important industrial enzyme is invertase (glucose isomerase) from Saccharomyces; it converts glucose to fructose, which is used as a sweetener in many processed foods.

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In 2013 blood pressure medication make you tired purchase metoprolol 12.5mg with mastercard, there were 310 blood pressure medication on empty stomach discount metoprolol line,957 reported cases of Gonorrhea pulse pressure definition medical generic metoprolol 12.5 mg with amex, and 1,311,674 cases of Chlamydia. Gonorrhea is transmitted by carriers who either have no symptoms or have ignored them. As many as 40% of males and 60 to 80% of females remain asymptomatic after infection and can act as carriers for 5 to 15 years. Very few organisms are required to establish an infection; half of a group of males given a urethral inoculum of only 1,000 organisms developed gonorrhea. Following a single sexual exposure to an infected individual, about one-third of males become infected. After repeated exposures to the same infected person, three-quarters of males eventually become infected. Their introduction the highest rate of in the 1960s led to increased sexgonorrhea in the United ual freedom and decreased use of States is among women condoms and spermicides. Although condoms and spermicides are less reliable contraceptives, they do offer some protection from gonorrhea. The exposure of blood vessels during menstruation allows bacteria to enter the circulatory system and thus facilitates the development of bacteremia. Symptoms sometimes include (a) in males, a urethral "drip" of pus and (Medicimage/Phototake) (b) a complication, gonococcally caused arthritis. Pharyngeal infections, which develop in 5% of those exposed by oral sex, are most common in women and homosexual men. The patient may develop a sore throat, but most pharyngeal cases are asymptomatic. Anorectal infection, especially common in homosexual men, occurs in the last 5 to 10 cm of the rectum. It can be either asymptomatic or painful, with constipation, pus, and rectal bleeding. Such infection can occur in the absence of anorectal intercourse due to contamination of the anal opening by organism-laden vaginal discharges. Medical personnel doing internal pelvic examinations can avoid spreading the infection by using a different gloved finger for anal examination than was inserted into the vagina. Pharyngeal and anorectal infections are also seen in children who are victims of sexual abuse. The rate of sterility increases with the number of infections-13% after one infection, 35% after two infections, and 75% after three infections. Disseminated infections, which occur in 1 to 3% of cases, produce bacteremia, fever, joint pain, endocarditis, and skin lesions that can be pustular, hemorrhagic, or necrotic. Gonococcal arthritis is now the most common joint infection in people 16 to 50 years old. Another complication of gonorrhea is infection of the lymphatics that drain the pelvis. Scarring produces tight, inflexible tissue that immobilizes pelvic organs into the condition known as "frozen pelvis. Newborns can acquire ophthalmia neonatorum during passage through the birth canal of an infected mother (Chapter 19, p. Pus that accumulates behind swollen eyelids can spurt forth with great pressure and infect health care workers. During the first year of life, infection usually results from accidental contamination of the eye or vagina by an adult. Between 1 year and puberty, gonorrhea usually occurs as vulvovaginitis in girls who have been sexually molested. The girls exhibit pain on urination, vulvar and perianal soreness, discomfort on defecation, and a yellowish-green discharge from vaginal and urethral openings. Both boys and girls can develop a pus-filled anal discharge indicative of anorectal gonorrhea as a result of sexual abuse. Failure of a hospital to launder sheets properly led to an outbreak of vulvovaginitis in female pediatric patients who acquired it from sitting on the sheets. Being a rather fastidious organism, it requires high humidity and ambient carbon dioxide for growth. Samples from patients suspected of having Neisseria infections are inoculated from a swab directly into a special medium for transport and incubation in a laboratory (Chapter 6, p.

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Transposition is a relatively rare event and is not easily detected in eukaryotes pulse pressure physiology order metoprolol toronto. It is easier to detect in bacteria because researchers can work with large populations that can be tested more easily for particular characteristics zolpidem arrhythmia buy metoprolol visa. There is also a gene for a repressor protein that can keep the transposase gene from being transcribed blood pressure medication morning or evening purchase generic metoprolol canada. Various methods of genetic manipulation enable microbial geneticists to create new combinations of genetic material in microbes. The transfer of genes between different members of the same species occurs in nature and has been done in the laboratory for several decades. The control mechanisms of the first operon will now govern the expression of the genes that were originally part of the second operon. Deletion of the control genes of the bio operon and subsequent coupling of the operons would constitute genetic fusion. Such fusion would allow the genes that control the use of galactose to control the entire operon, including the making of the enzymes involved in biotin synthesis. The major application of genetic fusion within a species, as just described, is in research studies on the properties of microbes. However, the techniques developed for genetic fusion experiments have been extended and modified in the development of other kinds of genetic engineering. One application of genetic fusion involves Pseudo monas syringae, a bacterium that grows on plants. Genetically altered strains have been developed that increase the resistance of plants, such as potatoes and strawberries, to frost damage. Strains of this bacterium, which occur naturally on the leaves of plants, produce a protein that forms a nucleus for the formation of ice crystals. By removing part of the gene that produces the "ice crystal" protein, scientists have engineered strains of P. When organisms of this strain are sprayed on the leaves of plants, they crowd out the naturally occurring strain. Thus, protoplast fusion simply speeds up a process that occurs in a very limited way in nature. By mixing two strains, each of which has a desirable characteristic, new strains that have both characteristics can be produced. For example, a slow-growing strain that produces large quantities of a desired substance can be mixed with a fast-growing, poor producer. After protoplast fusion, some organisms will probably protoplast fusion A protoplast is an organism with its cell wall removed. This allows fusion of the cells and their genetic material; that is, material from one strain recombines with that from the other strain before new cell walls are produced. Protoplast fusion involves the use of enzymes to digest away the cell walls of organisms from two different strains. When placed together, the cells fuse and develop a new cell wall around the hybrid cell that contains the genes of both organisms. This has been done with two strains of the bacterium Nocardia lactamdurans, which produce the antibiotic cephalomycin. The new strains produce 10 to 15% more antibiotic than the best of the parent strains. It has been accomplished in molds, however, between two species of the same genus (Aspergillus nidulans and A. It offers great promise for the future as procedures are refined and useful strains are developed. If these genes integrate permanently into the egg or sperm cells so that the genes can be transferred to offspring, the resulting organism is said to be a transgenic, or recombinant, organism. A particular and related disease restriction endonuclease always procan be followed by duces the same complementary ends. This technique uses a brief electrical pulse to produce temporary pores in the cell membrane through which the vector can pass. In other cases, large quantities of the protein product expressed by the donor gene can be obtained. This ability gene amplification Gene amplification is a process by which plasmids, or in some cases bacteriophages, are induced to reproduce within cells at a rapid rate.

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