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Gestational Trophoblastic Disease Complete Hydatidiform Mole 590 Partial Hydl1idiform Mole 593 Invasive Hydatidiform Mole 598 Differential Diagnosis of Molar Pregnancy 5! However, since pl3 Zllt21 si~ nodules and the c:uggcmed placcnt21 si~ are nonmolar, nonneoplastic processes that typically present as incidental fi. Grossly, classic complete moles arc voluminous specimens that resemble loosely ~ grapes, with a mean maximal diameter of0. Although some ~ns may rupture and collapse during tissue extraction and processing, those that do not will contain fluid that appears faindy eosinophilic and granular in histologic sections. Embryonic tissues arc almost always absent, as arc nmgnizable vascular structures within the villous stroma. This ~ proliferation of trophoblast is easily identified, but its ~t and pattern of distribution are haphazard. These pseudoindusions are typically large and imgulady shaped, and have a different appearance than those that are a~k:anuc ofpartial moJcs (compare with F~g. A: the tissue is abundant and composed of loosely aggregated vesicles of variable size. Clinical Behavior Complete moles are associated with a 15% to 20% incidence of persistent gestational trophoblastic disca. This has had an impact on the ease at which pathologists can recognize complete moles, since moles evacua. This stroma contains primitive mesenchymal cells with increased cellularp ity, stromal karyorrhc::xis, and delicately branching immatwe vascular networks. Note the prominent circumferential trophoblastic hyperplasia and generalized villous edema. This molar villus exhibits cistern formation and circumferential trophoblastic hyperplasia. The cistern is surrounded by a compressed rim of villous stroma, and is filled wi1h fluid that contains lightly eosinophilic, granular material. The molar villus at 1he far right side of the image merges with an area of sheet-like growth of intervillous trophoblast. Although the trophoblastic proliferation is often focal in these cases, those villi that display this feature usually do so in a fairly obvious whion. As in classic:al complete mole, supponive evidence for a molar pregnancy is the 6nding of severe nuclear atypia within the intermediate trophoblast of the implantation site. A n:cent study has emphasized the importance of villous stromal changes (incomplete vasculogenesis and increased karyorrhexis and apoptosis) over circumfen. Prominent vacuolization of the hyperplastic syncytiotrophoblastic cells that surround this molar villus create a lace-like pattern. Molar villi may contain large, irregularly shaped trophoblastic pseudoinclusions, such as those marted by the arrows. Note the (al characteristic cauliflower-like villous shape, (b) primitive mesenchymal villous stroma with increased cellularity and necrobiosis, and (c) diffuse, circumferential trophoblastic hyperplasia. Although most diandric triploid gestations are histologically recognizable as partial moles, a minority of these genetic partial moles show only subtle or no diagnostic features. Partial moles with classic histology exhibit all of the following features: (a) two distinct populations of villi, with one enlarged and edematous and the other small and often fibrotic. Moreover diabetes research and clinical practice generic 1mg glimepiride fast delivery, metastatic carcinoid tumors are usually bilateral and primary insular carcinoid twnors are often found arising within a mature cystic teratoma diabetic diet low-carb recipe book order glimepiride overnight. The jumbled cell arrangement and octasional cells with nuclear grooves are preserved features of granulosa cell differentiation diabetes neuropathy in dogs purchase glimepiride master card. Most recurrences are within the abdomen and pelvis, and are associated with a poor prognosis. Stage I tumors that have ruptured are more likely to recur than unruptured stage I tumors. As their name indicates, the vast majority of these tumors present in young patients (mean age of 13 ~),with prepubertal patients often exhibiting fca. Theca cells may be seen swrounding some of the follicles, and arc often admixed with granulosa cells in the solid areas. The follicles typically vary in size and shape, are lined by granulosa cells, usually contain eosinophilic to basophilic. The granulosa cells are usually mitotically active and have abundant eosinophilic to vacuolated cytoplasm, rounded nuclei with absent to rare grooves, and a variable degree of nuclear atypia. As is typical, the neoplastic cells at the edge of this follicle have abundant eosinophilic to vacuolated cytOplasm, lack nuclear grooves, and are mitoticallv active. In contrast to most J GeTs, these germ cell tumors have more frankly malignantappearing nuclear features, do not form follicles, and typically have elevated serum levels of. The diagnosis of yolk sac tumors is also often facilitated by the presence of a reticular pattern, Sch. This tumor is solid and composed of finn, trabeculated, white to pale yellow tissue. Nearly aU patients have stage I disease, and nearly aU of these patients arc cured by surgical removal of the tumor. Patchy areas ofedema arc commonly prescnt in fibromas and related tumors, as illustrated in the section on cellular fibroma. In some cases, the edematous areas can be difficult to distinguish from thecomatous differentiation, as discussed in the section on fibrothecoma. Small amounts of inttacytoplasmic lipid can be seen in fibromas, which can cause further confusion with thecomatous twnors. The presence of these features, particularly in combination and in young patients, suggests the presence of nevoid basal cell carcinoma (Gorlin) syndrome, whose more common manifestations include the early development of multiple basal cell carcinomas and odontogenic keratocysts. Those fibromas that are associated with nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome are often multinodular. In 1his typical example, intertwining fascicles of bland, spindle-shaped cells are set within a collagenous stroma. Bilateral calcified fibromas were present in this 17 year-old patient with nevoid basal cell carcinoma (Gorlinl syndrome. Cellular Fibroma Approximately 10% of benign ovarian fibromatous neoplasms are m~dly cellular and are referred to as c. As is often the case with this variant the sectioned surtace is yellow and rubbery. Adequate supervision and monitoring should be ensured for all postpartum patients receiving these drugs diabetic diet oranges purchase generic glimepiride from india. Ambulation Postpartum patients should be encouraged to begin ambulation (with assistance as needed) as soon as they feel able to do so blood sugar levels after eating chart purchase glimepiride mastercard. Early ambulation may help avoid urinary retention diabetes vine buy glimepiride 4mg low price, puerperal venous thrombosis and pulmonary emboli. Breast Care Breast engorgement in women who are not breastfeeding occurs in the first few days postpartum and gradually abates over this period. If the breasts become painful, they should be supported with a well-fitting brassiere. Women who do not wish to breastfeed should be encouraged to avoid nipple stimulation and should be cautioned against continued manual 305 expression of milk. A plugged duct (galactocele) and mastitis may also result in an enlarged, tender breast postpartum (Table 11. Mastitis, or infection of the breast tissue, most often occurs in lactating women and is characterized by sudden-onset fever and localized pain and swelling. Mastitis is associated with infection by Staphylococcus aureus, group A or B streptococci, Haemophilus species, and Escherichia coli. Treatment includes continuation of breastfeeding or emptying the breast with a breast pump and the use of appropriate antibiotics. Breast milk remains safe for the full-term, healthy infant; in fact, cessation of breastfeeding will increase engorgement and delay resolution of the infection as well as worsen the pain associated with mastitis. If symptoms continue, however, evaluation for a postpartum breast abscess is often indicated. Symptoms of a breast abscess are similar to those of mastitis, but a fluctuant mass is also present. Persistent fever after starting antibiotic therapy for mastitis may also suggest an abscess. Treatment requires surgical drainage of the abscess in addition to antibiotic therapy. Immunizations Women who are identified as susceptible to rubella or varicella infection should receive the appropriate vaccine before discharge. During the flu season, women who were not vaccinated antepartum should 306 be offered the seasonal flu vaccine before discharge. Note that this dose may be inadequate in circumstances in which there is a potential for greater-than-average fetal-to-maternal hemorrhage, such as placental abruption, placenta previa, intrauterine manipulation, and manual removal of the placenta (see Chapter 23). Bowel and Bladder Function It is common for a patient not to have a bowel movement for the first 1 to 2 days after delivery, because they have often not eaten for a long period. Stool softeners may be prescribed, especially if the patient has had an obstetric anal sphincter injury. Although postpartum constipation may be alleviated by stool softener, it may be aggravated by opioid postpartum analgesics. Surgical treatment should not be considered for at least 6 months postpartum to allow for natural involution. Sitz baths, stool softeners, and local preparations are useful, combined with reassurance that resolution is the most common outcome. If catheterization is required more than twice in the first 24 hours, placement of an indwelling catheter for 1 to 2 days is advisable. Local anesthetics, such as witch hazel pads or benzocaine spray, may be beneficial. Beginning 24 hours after delivery, moist heat in the form of a warm sitz bath may reduce local discomfort and promote healing. Syndromes
The rapid and accurate diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is imperative to reduce the risk of serious complications or death diabetes test pancreas purchase glimepiride with mastercard. Up to half of the women who have died as a result of ectopic pregnancy had a lag in treatment because of delayed or inaccurate diagnoses treatment diabetes gestational buy discount glimepiride 2 mg line. Any sexually active woman in the reproductive age group who presents with pain diabetes symptoms stories 2mg glimepiride free shipping, irregular bleeding, and/or amenorrhea should have ectopic pregnancy as a part of the initial differential diagnosis. The initial assessment in the otherwise hemodynamically stable patient must include a pregnancy test. Serum Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Levels If a positive pregnancy test is found when ectopic pregnancy is suspected, the remainder of the workup should focus on evaluating the viability and location of the pregnancy. Care must be taken 417 to differentiate between a uterine gestation and a pseudogestational sac. This one-layer sac is the result of an intracavitary fluid collection caused by sloughing of the decidua typically situated in the midline of the uterine cavity, whereas a normal gestational sac is eccentrically located. Sagittal transabdominal view of the uterus demonstrates a pseudogestational sac, a collection of fluid within the uterus. There is minimal variation in serum progesterone concentration between 5 and 10 weeks of gestation; thus a single value is sufficient. A serum progesterone level of <5 ng/mL has been used to identify a nonviable pregnancy with 98% specificity and with a sensitivity of 75%. Conversely, a serum progesterone of >20 ng/mL has a sensitivity of 95%, with a specificity of approximately 40% to identify a healthy pregnancy. Serum progesterone values cannot differentiate between an ectopic and an intrauterine pregnancy. Although intrauterine and ectopic pregnancies can exist simultaneously in rare cases (heterotopic pregnancy), identification of chorionic villi in tissue samples identifies an intrauterine location of the pregnancy and essentially rules out ectopic pregnancy. The presumptive diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy is reportedly inaccurate in nearly 40% of cases without histologic exclusion of a spontaneous pregnancy loss. The Arias-Stella reaction, a hypersecretory endometrium of pregnancy seen on histologic examination, occurs with both ectopic and intrauterine pregnancies and, therefore, is not useful in identifying an ectopic pregnancy. Culdocentesis Culdocentesis can identify hemoperitoneum (blood in the peritoneal cavity), which may indicate a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, although it is also consistent with other causes, such as a ruptured corpus luteum cyst. An 18G needle is inserted posterior to the cervix, between the uterosacral ligaments, and into the cul-de-sac of the peritoneal cavity. Aspiration of clear peritoneal fluid (negative culdocentesis) indicates no hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity but does not rule out an unruptured ectopic pregnancy. Aspiration of blood that clots can indicate either penetration of a vessel or such rapid blood loss into the peritoneal cavity that the blood clot has not had time to undergo fibrinolysis. Aspiration of nonclotting blood is evidence of hemoperitoneum (positive culdocentesis), in which the blood clot has undergone fibrinolysis. If nothing is aspirated (equivocal or nondiagnostic culdocentesis), no information is obtained. Purulent fluid suggests a number of infection-related causes, such as salpingitis and appendicitis. Because none of the possible findings on culdocentesis can definitively confirm the presence or absence of ectopic pregnancy, its use in clinical practice is limited. When used, the principal useful result is that a positive culdocentesis identifies blood in the peritoneal cavity and confirms the need for further evaluation to identify the source of the bleeding. With the availability of 421 other diagnostic technology, particularly ultrasound, in many regions the use of culdocentesis has become almost obsolete. Laparoscopy the most accurate technique of identifying an ectopic pregnancy is by direct visualization, which is done most commonly via laparoscopy. For example, an extremely early tubal gestation may not be identified because it may not distend the fallopian tube sufficiently to be recognized as an abnormality (false negative). Conversely, a false-positive diagnosis may result from a hematosalpinx (blood in the fallopian tube) being misinterpreted as an unruptured ectopic pregnancy or tubal abortion. Discount 1 mg glimepiride otc. LE DIABETE DE TYPE 2: définition facteurs de risque traitements symptômes. |