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By: Z. Ali, M.S., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, CUNY School of Medicine

Vaginal Bleeding Vaginal bleeding is almost always small but persistent and consists either of dark altered and fluid blood or of dark coagulated blood erectile dysfunction and diabetes leaflet best 50 mg suhagra. The bleeding may come as a trickle from the fallopian tube but more commonly it originates in the endometrium of the uterus erectile dysfunction doctors in nj buy suhagra 50 mg fast delivery. Under the hormonal effect of the ectopic pregnancy lipo 6 impotence best buy suhagra, the endometrium hypertrophies and is converted into a decidua, very similar to that seen in a normal uterine pregnancy. When the pregnancy is disturbed, withdrawal of the hormonal effect results in shedding of the decidua in the form of a vaginal bleed. If a young woman with a short period of amenorrhoea complains of continuous or intermittent but slight vaginal bleeding, ectopic pregnancy should be considered even Symptoms and Diagnosis Accurate diagnosis based on symptoms and clinical signs is possible in only 50% cases. One should therefore consider the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy when a woman presents with bizarre clinical features. A tubal rupture is an acute emergency associated with internal bleeding and shock. A tubal mole, with peritubal and paratubal haematocele, causes abdominal pain and irregular vaginal bleeding. This is a less urgent condition and is called the subacute or chronic ectopic gestation. The subacute ectopic pregnancy may eventually rupture and become an acute emergency. The patient is cold, the skin is clammy, the temperature subnormal and the pulse thready with marked tachycardia. Breast signs of pregnancy may or may not be present depending upon the duration of pregnancy. The distension is not always due to free intraperitoneal blood but to an associated localized ileus of gut caused by blood. An extreme tenderness can be elicited in the lower abdomen but rigidity is not so well marked. Signs of free fluid in the abdomen are present in case of profuse internal haemorrhage. The bluish discolouration of the cervix is rarely seen at this early stage of gestation. Abdominal tenderness may prevent an accurate bimanual examination of the uterus but if the uterus can be felt, it is found to be normal or slightly enlarged and softened. It is difficult to feel any pelvic mass but pelvic haematocele may be felt as a tender bulge in the posterior fornix. Differential Diagnosis if the abdominal pain may be slight or might have been short-lived and almost forgotten. Perforated gastric and duodenal ulcer produce acute abdomen pain but signs of internal haemorrhage are absent. Abdominal palpation reveals board-like rigidity which is absent in ectopic pregnancy. This haematocele forms an irregular mass of differing consistency due to a mixture of clot and blood, and bulges forwards displacing the cervix against the bladder neck leading to retention of urine. Abdominal pregnancy Physical Signs the physical signs vary according to whether the patient is suffering from acute intraperitoneal bleeding or from localized intraperitoneal haemorrhage. Rupture of a corpus luteal haematoma simulates ectopic gestation both in the history and clinical findings. With a history of short period amenorrhoea, pain, vaginal bleeding and a tender mass with internal haemorrhage, it is impossible to be sure of the pelvic condition. Myocardial infarct has occasionally been considered when the patient complains of epigastric pain and collapses. The diagnosis may be much more difficult with ruptured secondary abdominal pregnancy as the differential diagnosis of ruptured uterus and concealed accidental haemorrhage have to be considered. For this reason, if an ectopic gestation is strongly suspected, vaginal examination should be performed gently, keeping the operation theatre ready for surgery. The diagnosis of ectopic gestation presents great difficulty and it is usually missed because it is not suspected. During the childbearing period of life, a woman complaining of pain in the lower abdomen associated with continuous vaginal bleeding should be suspected of ectopic gestation. Differential Diagnosis Clinical diagnosis remains a challenge as the condition may simulate other conditions.

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Pedunculated and degenerated fibroid may however be mistaken for an ovarian tumour erectile dysfunction icd 10 purchase suhagra 100mg mastercard. Ascites Sometimes great difficulty is felt in distinguishing between a large ovarian cyst and ascites erectile dysfunction doctors in toms river nj order suhagra paypal. With a large ovarian cyst erectile dysfunction protocol by jason buy suhagra american express, the percussion note over the tumour is dull, whereas both flanks are resonant. In ascites, the note is dull over the flanks, while the abdomen is tympanitic in the midline. Differential Diagnosis the abdominal physical signs of an ovarian cyst may be simulated by a full bladder, a pregnant uterus, a myoma, ascites and other abdominal tumours such as hydronephrosis, mesenteric cyst, retroperitoneal tumour and tuberculous peritonitis, especially if encysted by coils of adherent intestines. Full Bladder Full bladder is tense and tender, fixed in position, anterior to the uterus, projecting anteriorly more than an ovarian cyst, and a catheter should be passed to establish the diagnosis. Pregnant Uterus A pregnant uterus should be thought of whenever a tumour is found arising from the pelvis. The exclusion of pregnancy offers no difficulty if a careful bimanual examination is made and signs of pregnancy looked for. Appropriate investigations such as ultrasonic examination and a pregnancy test will confirm or refute the diagnosis. Withanovariancyst,theintestinesaredisplaced dorsally while with ascites, the intestines lie immediately beneaththeabdominalwall. Except in Meigs syndrome, the presence of ascites as shown on ultrasound strongly points to the malignant nature of the tumour. Colour flow Doppler technology, which adds further information of neovascularization, indicates increased blood flow to the tumour and probability of the tumour being malignant. Additional information may be provided by: n the most difficult cases are those of encysted tuberculous peritonitis with ascites. In most cases of tuberculous peritonitis, the patient has lost weight, is pyrexial and there may be other signs of tuberculosis in the body. The surest method of excluding an ovarian cyst is to percuss the abdomen below the level of the umbilicus. Such a tumour always penetrates back into the loin and is situated high up in the abdomen, well above the pelvis. Investigations by intravenous or retrograde pyelography will establish the diagnosis. Other tumours such as enlarged spleen, mesenteric cyst, mucocele of the appendix or gall bladder, hydatid cysts and pancreatic cysts should be considered if the physical signs of an ovarian cyst are atypical, and if the tumour lies in mid or upper abdomen. It may be difficult to establish the diagnosis with accuracy if the tumour is fixed when such conditions as ectopic gestation, hydrosalpinx and pyosalpinx have to be excluded. In all suspected metastatic ovarian cancers, a barium meal should be performed to exclude gastrointestinal primary carcinoma. Radiograph of chest will rule out pulmonary metastasis and also hydrothorax in case of Meigs syndrome. A benign cyst is characteristically unilateral, unilocular or multilocular with a thin wall and thin septa of less than 5 mm in a multilocular cyst. On the other hand, only 50% Stage I epithelial ovarian malignant tumours present raised levels. Dermoid can be identified by solid areas in a cystic tumour and occasional presence of a tooth on ultrasound scanning. A level more than 35 U/mL suggests malignant and residual tumour, and indicates the need for chemotherapy. Cytological study of ascitic fluid or aspirated cyst fluid either laparoscopically or under ultrasound guidance may reveal malignancy, but false-negative reporting is also high. Treatment A simple unilocular cyst less than 7 cm is often a functional cyst and should be observed. Simple aspiration of a cyst is not advisable, because of the high risk of recurrence. Laparotomy or laparoscopy is required in other cases to obtain the specimen for histology and for definitive treatment of its removal.

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With the possibility of diagnosing a very early do erectile dysfunction pills work buy suhagra 100 mg overnight delivery, unruptured pregnancy by routine ultrasonic screening erectile dysfunction oral medication quality suhagra 50mg, more cases are now treated with medical treatment with equally good outcome erectile dysfunction yoga youtube purchase 50 mg suhagra mastercard, without added surgical morbidities. Eighty-five per cent of these cases reveal patent fallopian tubes during the follow-up. The disadvantage of medical treatment lies in the prolonged follow-up and resorting to surgery in failed cases (5%). A Surgical Treatment All patients with acute ectopic pregnancy should be operated upon at the earliest once the diagnosis is made. The operation essentially consists of open laparotomy, identifying the affected tube, clamping the mesosalpinx and performing salpingectomy as described by Lawson Tait in 1884. Occasionally, it takes time to identify the gestation sac as the contralateral tube is also distended with haematosalpinx. Condition of the tube need to be assessed to check the prognosis of future pregnancy. The controversy as to whether the ovary on the affected side should be removed or conserved is theoretical. The blood in the peritoneal cavity is fit to be used in autotransfusion provided it is fresh and not clotted. In subacute ectopic pregnancy, there is not the same urgency as in the acute form. However, the earlier the patient is operated upon the better, and it avoids the risk of tubal rupture. During surgery, one should be gentle in removing the clots because they may be adherent to organs and cause tear if not careful. Conservative tubal surgery is justifiable only if the contralateral tube has already been removed or is diseased, because this type of surgery exposes the woman to a recurrent ectopic pregnancy. Fifty per cent women undergoing conservative surgery conceive and have uterine pregnancy. With improved awareness and screening procedures, lifethreatening ectopic pregnancy has changed to a benign condition, especially in the case of an asymptomatic woman in stable condition at the time of diagnosis (unruptured ectopic). The treatment of secondary abdominal pregnancy includes performing a laparotomy and removing the fetus and placenta. If the placenta is adherent to a vascular organ, it may be safer to clamp the cord close to the placenta, leave the latter in situ and close the abdomen without a drainage. Milking of the tube is possible with fimbrial pregnancy but prolonged bleeding and persistent trophoblastic tissue as well as increased risk of recurrent ectopic pregnancy do not favour this technique. Interstitial Pregnancy Treatment Hysterectomy is indicated in ruptured interstitial pregnancy. Incision and emptying the gestational sac following ligation of the ipsilateral uterine artery, ovarian and round ligament is followed by suturing the muscular layer. The risk of uterine rupture in subsequent pregnancy mandates careful antenatal monitoring and caesarean delivery. With improved technique, laparoscopically performed above-mentioned procedures have become the gold standard Prognosis Ten per cent deaths in ectopic gestation are primarily due to haemorrhage. In these cases, there has been a shift from ablative surgery to conservative fertility-preserving therapy. Schenker observed that 15% of ectopic cases suffer recurrent ectopic pregnancies and 60% to 70% have fertility problems. To improve future fertility, and to avoid catastrophic haemorrhage, it is necessary to make a diagnosis before the ectopic sac ruptures. If a woman in the reproductive age complains of amenorrhoea, mild abdominal pain and abnormal uterine bleeding, she should be suspected of having either genital tuberculosis or an ectopic pregnancy.

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