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Ensure the highest standards of security

W3Health makes the security of your data our highest priority — our architecture delivers a comprehensive approach to security on multiple levels.

W3 DRS is fully compliant with the HCFA Internet Security Policy and with the proposed HIPAA regulations. The following security measures directly address these requirements:


Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption protects the confidentiality of data transmissions over the Internet. This software technique fulfills the HCFA and HIPAA encryption requirements.

User Identification

All access to W3 DRS requires a unique user ID and a confidential password. The user ID/password pair identifies the user and enforces data security.

Each user is assigned different levels of security based on your business requirements. This feature allows you to manage the type and depth of data that each of your users can access within W3 DRS.


W3 DRS provides monitoring of each user-specified drill down path. All access to patient identifiable data is captured in an audit log. Application timeout features prevent unauthorized users from accessing the system.

Data Center

W3 DRS is housed at a secure, 24x7, state-of-the-art data storage facility. This data center provides comprehensive data security including firewall management, router based Access Control List (ACL) security, and a secure facility.

Database Security

Database security protects overall access to the database. Your organization's data is maintained on a separate Oracle schema. Only your organization can access the database.