
W3Health offers you the flexibility to choose the deployment option that works
best for your organization. You can license W3 DRS through a
subscription based ASP model, where W3Health houses your data and deploys the
application to your organization through the Web. We also offer a
traditional, on-site installation of W3 DRS.

The primary delivery mechanism for W3Health's software is the Application
Service Provider model (ASP). For each ASP licensed client, W3Health manages
the data extraction, data integration and data warehouse creation process,
accelerating the implementation cycle and allowing clients to focus their
internal resources on data-driven decision making.

The ASP model lets you free up valuable system resources and eliminate the
time and expense of implementing, configuring and maintaining a reporting and
analysis application. This leads to a quicker return on investment and an
improved bottom line.

W3 DRS is deployed on a central server and accessed with a Web browser. This
"thin client" approach helps you reduce IT expenditures with the following

Eliminate hardware and software expenses.

There are no servers or software to
buy or maintain. This reduces the costs often associated with building and
implementing a reporting system and eliminates the need for individual workstations.

Minimize technical support.

W3 DRS requires no technical support beyond
Internet connectivity freeing up valuable IT staff to concentrate on more important issues.

Receive automatic upgrades.

W3 DRS is automatically upgraded on a routine,
reliable schedule. You get the latest functionality without the expense and hassle of
purchasing and installing new software.

If your organization prefers to install W3 DRS on-site, W3Health specialists
will work with your IT professionals to identify your server, implementation
and configuration requirements. With the installed version of W3 DRS, you can
leverage the knowledge and expertise of your internal IT staff, and still take
advantage of sharing reports and analytic information through the Internet. |